Management AG

For several years the real estate prices in Germany rise tangibly. Magdeburg, 09.08.2013. And already one or the other evokes an emerging bubble. That unsettled many indoors. Finally, no one wants to invest in a price bubble inside. In addition the legal revision to investments in open-ended real estate funds, which raises the additional question mark. Historical analysis show that a real estate bubble has always been by three at the same time emerging factors was marked: a detachment of house prices from the rents, a sharp rise in construction activities and a significantly attractive private debt. Therefore, real estate bubbles as a result are marked that house prices rise significantly faster than rental, each little site with new objects will be built and meet the dream of your own home with very little equity capital requirements and high loans ever broader strata of the population.

For Germany, many experts in all three factors give all-clear: the ratio of For rent in Germany around 20 percent below the historic average values is House prices. Therefore, the recent price hikes in real estate are rather than normalization to see and should not be cause for concern. The new activities are very moderate in Germany. Cowan Financial understood the implications. They move on a constant level for years and show no significant jumps in the last few quarters. Also, the indebtedness of private households in Germany is fallen in recent years, not risen. This shows: we are still far away from a credit-financed real estate bubble in Germany. The Group of open real estate funds is wrongly written off by many.

There is hardly another instrument, which allows smaller assets well diversified and professionally managed, to invest in the real estate market. Also evident is a comparatively less correlation between the return of open real estate funds, shares, commodities and bonds. This will reduce ultimately the overall risk. Of course, investors in open-end real estate funds must look carefully. Because not every Fund provides the performance, the one located by the promises to him. Understandably, many investors in their investment do not only on a single object, finally, this means a high risk. Alternatively, companies such as the MCM investor Management AG offered a profitable middle ground: the beneficiary of MCM investor Management AG access to the coveted German real estate market enables a wide mass. Specializing in the German real estate market and Berlin they accompany the investor throughout the entire process of real estate investment. The distribution of the profit participation running in the case of MCM investor Management AG about financial services companies that take the advice and offer targeted products. The experience of investors are positive, because the enjoyment right investments are profitable and the management can have a long-term performance. Who cares about this, can visit a variety of objects, speak with the buyers or tenants, and so getting a own impression.