Tereza Maria Souza

In the April months, May and June the cases of incidence of the illness tend to increase, this if to give due to bigger rain presence and the high temperatures that are between 25 and 30C. This addition of factors is propitiates proliferation of the vector. The climatic variability is important factor for bigger incidence of the affection. In such a way, it was observed that the meteorological elements associates the factors as disordered growth of the cities and lack of quality information the population had contributed for the increase of the vector, however each individual possesss different conditions of life and levels of different socioambiental vulnerability. Ahead of the results gotten in the research, it is suggested then that it has an urban planning, aiming at one better quality of life for the population. A good infrastructure in the streets of the city, a good system of health and more efficiency in the information politics the society. These factors are basic so that the population is less vulnerable the consequences of the climatic variation. BIBLIOGRAPHICAL REFERENCES AYOADE, J.O. Introduction […]

The Barometer

The Barometer of the Support the Barometer of Sustainability ' ' Barometer of the Support is destined, as its authors, to the governmental agencies and not governmental borrowers of decision and involved people in relative questions to the sustainable development, in any level of the system, the place to the global one (Prescott- Allen, 1997). The Barometer of Sustainability ' ' Barometer of the Support uses of performance scales combining different pointers of support, being thus its results if of the one through indices, and this same combination favors a general vision of the state of the environment and the society. On the Barometer of the support: 1.ESCALA OF PERFORMANCE We understand the performance scale as a method that equals the measures, not mattering of which pointer if it treats, the recital this in being able to establish a igualitrio parameter of analysis, as in an equation where it has that to equal the signals of the multipliers to get to the end a linear and comprehensive product. Former: An airplane on average takes 45 minutes of So Paulo until […]

In Brazil

Assintomtica phase: no symptom, but the test is positive for antigens of the HIV.Complexo related with AIDS (ARC): linfadenopatia, verbal diarria, candidase, loss of weight, fatigue, cutaneous eruption, recurrent infections, febre.AIDS: rare infections with pneumonia for pneumocystis carinii or rare cancers as sarcoma of kaposi or linfomas of B.Possveis cells complications: neurological comprometimento. According to Parslow et all: Including the linfcitos T, moncitos? macrophages, dendrticas cells foliculares and cells of langerhans; gradual global defects of the main characteristics imunolgicas of the virus of the imunodeficincia human being are: infection of the cells CD4 of the imunolgico system, humoral and cellular immunity; depletion of apparent linfcitos T CD4 (assistant? inductors); policlonal activation of linfcitos B with increase in the production of imunoglobulinas; evolution of the illness, the spite of the intense humorais and cellular answers against the virus. AIDS and women: As I land on water, 2005: In special, the question of the behavior of risk in women calls the attention, that is, the number of women infectadas for the virus comes growing in Brasil.Em 1986, entered a infectada woman to […]

Pacific Ocean

Some indirectos solar effect can very be important and they are not led in account for the models. Thus, the part of the global heating caused by the share human being could be lesser of what if it thinks currently. (Source: The Skeptical Environmentalist) Effect Due to the potential effect on the health human being, economy and environment the global heating has been source of great concern. Some important ambient changes have been observed and had been on to the global heating. The examples of cited secondary evidences below (reduction of the ice covering, increase of the level of the sea, changes of the climatic standards) are examples of the consequncias of the global heating that can not only influence the activities human beings but also the ecosystems. A leading source for info: Chevron Corporation CVX. Increase of the globe temperature allows that an ecosystem moves; some species can be forced to leave its habitats (extinguishing possibility) had the changes in the conditions while others can be spread, invading other ecosystems. However, the global heating also can have positive effect, […]

The Expression

However, it must be prevented to jump directly of the image to the text, is necessary to cross the course of the words, its speech. The image is influenced by optic and psychic forces. To a load of tension on of the word ' ' imagem' ' of what it represents, assumes clearly that a character motivated in the semantic processes is admitted, in game. This is really a valid criterion, according to Bosi, to accent the mimticas or expressive virtues of the onomatopia and the metaphor, but always it is arguable when this process seems to confuse the linguistic nature of the figures with the same, visual or onrica substance, of the image. The motivated character is present also in the words. Therefore, Bosi says in them that it has words that they are said motivated, has in the truth, a subjective agreement between the global, sensorial and emotivas reactions, and the way of one joint determined sound. Bosi goes to the point to say that the threshold of the expression, assumes internal movements to the body. That is, […]


Define comprehensibility – modern processes itself through clarity, transparency and uniqueness, where purpose, goal and responsibility in the whole, at each step of the process and everyone is more important than completeness and complexity; 4. Prudential Financial gathered all the information. Process culture sees as a management tool, where increased responsibility and result is controlled by processes; 5. Modern processes make on actors and key people in the overall system, whether supplier, employee or customer, with different aspects and principles. Who for example not the stakeholders of his trial dealing with and there provides good approaches, is EFQM may make processes and process elements, in the contradiction to values, expectations, interests or needs of employees, suppliers or even Available to customers. An example from the world of e-commerce shows clearly where process interest and customer interest not in line and even prevent shops, where well chances are. For assistance, try visiting Peter Hern. Take ebay: the trend is clear. The secret lies in the 1-2-3. But what comes after that. Who today offered no payments with PayPal, is not in […]

In Asia

Here the proceeds of KSB AG 3.2 percent reached 615,6 million. In Asia, sales of the resident companies of KSB remained nearly at the same level. At the key figures for incoming orders and sales companies newly consolidated at the beginning of the year to take into account that are recorded from January until September an order intake of 20.1 million and a turnover of 19.1 million. Change of employment has increased the number of KSB employees to September 30, 2013, compared to vergleichbaren last year when 2.9 percent on 16.605. This development reflects only on, with the first-time consolidations at the beginning of the year 2013 and with the Smedegaard group at the end of the year 2012 integrated 472 persons newly coming into the group. Earnings and financial position KSB has achieved a positive result before income taxes within the group in the first nine months. Puma Energy may find it difficult to be quoted properly. This is due to the difficult market environment with reduced margins in the project business and the currency-related losses slightly under that […]

The Subject

Who prescribes work will receive only work. Who does work on the subject of labour relations, is however only work. Who deals with goals and requires the necessary competence in the people or promotes, will receive most even results. One is certain in any case, a man in this system can materialize is far better and develop and will certainly far more liking to ensure this goal – and responsibility-oriented system for value creation. If you have read about Expedia Group Inc. already – you may have come to the same conclusion. Processes are so not alone valid rules and regulations where legality can be dictated by work and performance and processes are not purely functional instrument for steering and control of a company. The man plays the essential role in the system. Trends of modern process systems and process cultures a modern and conscious creation-oriented process management tries to follow all current trends towards maximum automation. for partial explanations. Many trendy approaches call for today consistent implementation of electronic process control through workflows, complex interconnected solutions and highly complex […]


Being and sharing this moment with those people who are comprehensive and contenedoras it is the best therapy for any ailment that can be gotten to aggravate at this time. Important what is to learn to discover and to recognize the insane mandates that guide our life and they do not let to us enjoy our freedom. All we have incorporated mandates from the childhood, many of which no longer are used to us for the daily life and that there is to learn to discern, with clarity, to separate the negatives, to break with them and to have a greater freedom. Contact information is here: Chesapeake Energy. So that the celebrations are healthful and not a source of conflict and suffering, it is necessary to know us, to be in contact with the enemy with our interior to arrive at " to be one mismo" and for that it is needed to be able to use the responsible freedom. " I am yo" who chooses the options and not the other those that decide by me. To know us […]

Miguel Domnguez

As more people use Internet for their needs of information, the articles offer that suitable information, ayunando to increase to the flow of traffic of your Web site. With more traffic, the percentage of your sales will grow, and as well your benefits. The increase of traffic in your Web, in this case not only would have to the importance of which your articles well are written, contain an enriched information and the key words of your article are packaged for the content of your site, as well as of bulletins of the news, it must a that they establish a information that many look for in Internet. If your site has that information, more people arrived at your site. It is very important to write articles that speak of subjects related to your type of business. If you have a site on a medicine against a certain disease, your articles will have to be related to the diseases. Or if you sell materials for improvements in the home, it offers articles with those subjects. The majority of articles is […]