Corporative Educator

If this interaction does not occur of adjusted form, has a evolutivo picture that it goes of presentesmo to the anomie. This, because, instead of if concentrating in the attributions that them are proper, the individual psiquismo will be always alert to defend of the injunctions ' ' hostis' ' , more than what to find new forms of integration. From there for front, we have a spiral of defense and discord that the reception of the speech of the organization makes impracticable, for more creative the forms of if searching success in the taken over on a contract basis one. The nature human being and the condition human being always are of given hands, do not matter what they say the doutos? A practical example is the test of the ellipses. It only sees: it places three ellipses colored in sequence, but it leaves the last one of the lying line instead of being in foot. What you will go to notice first? It is clearly that it will come to its perception the difference and not it equality! […]

Venezuelan SMEs

Here, the importance that SMEs, especially the Venezuelan, our interest, needs managers who understand the true source is the intelligence and talent of its workers, aspect that has been given little importance, wasting the human capital that is. Quality culture: total quality is the only scheme of administration and management which is based on the search for a harmonious and sustainable balance of the interests of everyone involved with the organization. For this reason, total quality has taken relevance and its scope is distributed to all the elements of the administrative system, from planning and throughout the operational processes and support. Even though in its origin total quality oriented only to the control of the process to ensure compliance with the product specifications, the introduction of a total quality management system must be associated to a review and where appropriate to the modification of systems organizational and human and all essential processes that make up the value chain. Unfortunately there are many Venezuelan SMEs who do not practise the culture of quality. In the article lack of strategies for Contreras […]

Making Opportunities

And speaking of letters and phone calls, writes for the less a letter or an encouraging email or a note giving thanks and get at least a call telephone encouraging or giving thanks each week. Also ask a friend to help you, as you helped me one to me to capture all the data and to prepare me for the action of a friendship, so the largest gift that can be obtained is the truth. One of my dearest friends told him: the best thing you can do for me as my friend is telling me the truth, hence I can grow and I can start to make wise choices, all admire aplomb, confidence, knowledge, courtesy, good manners, value, goodness, health, care, beauty, speech, expression and leisurely intensity and talent in actionThis can be your life. (13) Di now: today I am going to make use of everything I’ve learned and practiced, from curiosity to trust and I so used to everything to confront me to experiences and challenges that can stand in my way or that I myself find […]

The Traces

Let us start then with the problem of the signature. The proper name of an author, writes Foucault in known text, it does not function accurately as the others, and this for the reasons, in synthesis, detached: an author name exerts with regard to the too much speeches a certain paper; it serves to characterize a certain way of being of discurso' ' (it indicates that the speech ' ' … must be received from certain way and that it must, in one determined culture, to receive a certain statute … ' '); finally ' ' … the author name does not transit, as the proper name, of the interior of a speech for the real and exterior individual produced that it. (FOUCAULT, 1992, p.45). Analyzing the function author, Foucault recognizes four aspects that allow to characterize it, of which standes out third, thus described: It not form spontaneously as the attribution of a speech to an individual. It is before the result of a complex operation that constructs to a certain rational being the one that we call author. […]

Corporative Security

mainly to have the concept of the acronym TEA ' ' Knowledge, Habilidade and Atitude' '. The market today demands professionals with Knowledge in the position that anger to occupy, has that to have Abilities to deal with a fan of situations in its day-by-day and Attitude to solve pertinent problems the function. The development and knowledge of these abilities are important in such a way for the company as for the collaborator. The strategical and operational necessities, ally the culture of the company in prioritizing the exploitation of the collaborators internal, for promotions and plan of career, transform the RH sector into important key. Because if speaking in succession, depending on the position they exist you vary difficulties. To if preparing a successor, and if this well the company will not be planned can cause negative impact. The collaborators today are seen of a differentiated form, are not only people and yes human beings with emotions, feelings, intelligence and reason, have auto-esteem and must be stoned and be valued in the general context. must be seen as responsible partners […]


Inside of some requirements three they are most necessary: comprometimento, complexity, credibility. To one grating difference between the remunerated hours and the hours of real profitability; a great percentage inside of the company does not dedicate 100% to its work is necessary vision and delegation of the goals and objectives of a leader with its team. ‘ ‘ To form a team effort and conhecimento’ ‘ (KEN MALEJKA 1995). Complexity; if it cannot recognize the failure and necessary to establish a point to look simplicity and later you doubt them is necessary to reflect as a thing always leads to another one. Credibility; a to be conquered prize, ideas you validate important and constructive and that all leader it needs to select in its team with criticizes it to this and the personal spreading grows is necessary an ample vision to only acquit the constructive points of each person ‘ ‘ The people must be remembered with more frequency that she needs to be instrudas’ ‘. 2006 P. 9). A conclusion and validates either of the new was or of […]