The Administrator

The question is, which the relevance of the study of psychology in the formation of administrator? A necessary psychologist to learn to deal with ampler phenomenon, the behavior of the organisms in any context where it occurs, while an administrator of companies needs to learn to deal with the human behavior in a specific context, administration is also the science of the relations human beings and not only he establishes techniques, norms, procedures and functions whose purpose is to command the production factors in order to increase its efficiency placing them under rationality principles. A reason important to dominate some concepts and ideas of psychology, since the companies are formed by people, and the people possess behaviors, in which the administrator coexists in its daily one and needs to know, and to know to deal. In this context the administrator obtains to use the psychology of diverse forms in order to fit it as benefit for the organization. He needs to know and to understand on the people, what they feel and as they act. CEO Angel Martinez follows long-standing […]

Federal Institutions

It has an expectation of growth of the technician-administrative body, in order administration to be worried about the preparation of the new servers who will enter the UFGD. se. CONCLUSION Considering the decree of 5.707 of 23 of February of 2006 and law 11,091 of 12 of January of 2005, can affirms that the programs of training and development for a moment pass favorable and of incentives the qualification and perfectioning of the public servers, in prominence the technician-administrative ones in education. CEO Angel Martinez has compatible beliefs. However the expansion of the amount of the administrative technician in the institution is only one pointer of that a training program will be necessary, to put stops of implantation of a qualification program will be necessary the attainment of given greaters. Necessary beyond analyzes organizacional one analyzes of position and of people, therefore only one type of analyzes is not capable to supply subsidizes to implement training programs. . Relocation strategies might disagree with that approach.

People Management

It has of if also mentioning the punishment system, that is, of punishments or penalties to restrain certain types of behavior. To Oliveira (2008), the Remuneration for Abilities came with the objective to implement the paradigm in addition of the traditional model of remuneration, being searched to line up the politics of the organization to the innovative aspects of Management of People with the result in the business. With characteristics proper it is come back to differentiate the wages of the collaborators, through behavior measurable, and if she makes joust, carrying through the differentiation of the abilities of the collaborators. (OLIVEIRA, 2008, P. 24) the remuneration for abilities came to assist and to facilitate the process all. The use of this system in the companies alone tends to increase, since an extra motivation on the part of the employees making appears there to be valid that all its persistence/ability will be remunerated according to criteria. With the implantation of the plan of positions and wage it facilitates the evaluation very to remunerate itself for ability. 2,6 Implantation of the plan […]


To send orders is not a complicated process, but it is important to have some points in mind before sending, independently of the good quality of its partner of air transportation. Here they are five important errors of sending that you always must prevent: To look for offers cockroach: To construct a relation with a partner of air transportation reliable can make the difference, since it can guide to it on the trustworthy forms most economic and of sending. This goes to become its more easy life of what simply to look for the sendings cheapest. To pack the product very pressed: Many people try to save money or materials of protection using a box that simply is not great the sufficient one to accomodate the item to be sent. However, to keep the security of the objects that you send, are important to leave enough space for small balls of isopor, plastic of bubble or another type of acolchoamento. Therefore, I will choose a great box the sufficient to accomodate the item that you are sending and that also […]

Corporative Security

mainly to have the concept of the acronym TEA ' ' Knowledge, Habilidade and Atitude' '. The market today demands professionals with Knowledge in the position that anger to occupy, has that to have Abilities to deal with a fan of situations in its day-by-day and Attitude to solve pertinent problems the function. The development and knowledge of these abilities are important in such a way for the company as for the collaborator. The strategical and operational necessities, ally the culture of the company in prioritizing the exploitation of the collaborators internal, for promotions and plan of career, transform the RH sector into important key. Because if speaking in succession, depending on the position they exist you vary difficulties. To if preparing a successor, and if this well the company will not be planned can cause negative impact. The collaborators today are seen of a differentiated form, are not only people and yes human beings with emotions, feelings, intelligence and reason, have auto-esteem and must be stoned and be valued in the general context. must be seen as responsible partners […]


Inside of some requirements three they are most necessary: comprometimento, complexity, credibility. To one grating difference between the remunerated hours and the hours of real profitability; a great percentage inside of the company does not dedicate 100% to its work is necessary vision and delegation of the goals and objectives of a leader with its team. ‘ ‘ To form a team effort and conhecimento’ ‘ (KEN MALEJKA 1995). Complexity; if it cannot recognize the failure and necessary to establish a point to look simplicity and later you doubt them is necessary to reflect as a thing always leads to another one. Credibility; a to be conquered prize, ideas you validate important and constructive and that all leader it needs to select in its team with criticizes it to this and the personal spreading grows is necessary an ample vision to only acquit the constructive points of each person ‘ ‘ The people must be remembered with more frequency that she needs to be instrudas’ ‘. 2006 P. 9). A conclusion and validates either of the new was or of […]

Master Production Schedule

The independent demand must be foreseen by the commercial area and can be considered in the process as the end item. Dependent demand the dependent demand in turn, directly is related with the demand of another item or existing product in the supply. This demand can be calculated and must be determined by the demand of the other item of which it is function. Optimum example of an item of dependent demand is the list of materials for the manufacture of one specifies end item. The adoption of a MRP system presents diverse benefits, including: lesser Nveis of supply; Melhor attendance to the customer (Level of service); Otimizao of the productive resources. The MRP can be seen, in according to place, as a system of control of supplies of item of dependent demand. In this direction, it is an proactive system, data that the maintenance of the supplies prevents. The products for the production are bought in the measure where they are requested. In the systems of control of supply of independent demand, the actions are taken on the basis […]


Thinking about financing an automobile? The hour is now Easiness and inferior cost helps the ones that plan to finance a used or new automobile. From the next week, guided for the Central banking, the Federal government saving bank will go to reduce the Selic (basic tax of interests) in 0,5%, reaching 11.5% to the year. For financed cars, the tax of the CEF also will suffer a reduction, of 2,45% for 2,25% to the month. This generates a total of reduction of 3,1% to the year. The interests will be calculated in other questions, as for example for the evaluation of the risk of each customer, the year of the vehicle and the time of the stated period of the financing. Simulating a parcelamento: we go to say that you bought an car of 30mil R$ and want to pay in 24 times. After to pay a 50% entrance, its monthly fee will go to fall of R$ 811 for R$ 789, with the new taxes. It is important to stand out that the minimum tax did not suffer […]

Brazilian Agricultural

As it detaches Buainain (1987), the fall of the 1984-1985 harvest marks the explicit recognition of that the agricultural politics, lastreada in the satiated and cheap credit, if had exaurido, being the total volume of reduced credit to one tero of the granted one in the end of decade 1970. In terms of agricultural politics, in the period of 1981-1985, the Politics of Guarantee of Preo Mnimo (PGPM) was gaining prominence with the objective clearly to compensate the declining paper of agricultural credit (GRAZIANO Da Silva, 1998, p.11). With the emptiness in the power that if followed to the death of Tancredo, before exactly to take ownership in 1985, Sarney it searched to legitimize itself public keeping some commitments assumed since the campaign for the direct elections, at the same time where recompunha the government proper forces politics. The program of economic stabilization more known as Crossed Plan intentionally in 28 of February of 1986 it created expectation of that if they would finally materialize the promises of change in the New Republic. However, the expectation of that the inflation […]