mainly to have the concept of the acronym TEA ' ' Knowledge, Habilidade and Atitude' '. The market today demands professionals with Knowledge in the position that anger to occupy, has that to have Abilities to deal with a fan of situations in its day-by-day and Attitude to solve pertinent problems the function. The development and knowledge of these abilities are important in such a way for the company as for the collaborator. The strategical and operational necessities, ally the culture of the company in prioritizing the exploitation of the collaborators internal, for promotions and plan of career, transform the RH sector into important key. Because if speaking in succession, depending on the position they exist you vary difficulties. To if preparing a successor, and if this well the company will not be planned can cause negative impact.
The collaborators today are seen of a differentiated form, are not only people and yes human beings with emotions, feelings, intelligence and reason, have auto-esteem and must be stoned and be valued in the general context. must be seen as responsible partners and for the same company, so that together they can reach quality goals. The great barrier for the corporative growth is the loss of efficient people, the loss of enthusiasm and the lack of motivation, that in some cases is not given the valuation had the employee. fits to the RH manager to find the forms to bring the harmony and the welfare of all in the organization. We go to say a little of my area = Consulting of Corporative Security an important tip for the organizations in general, the place or the room of the preliminary election, to carry through the first interviews, preferential must be next to the entrance of the company.
Preventing as soon as the beginning candidates they do not know the installations. the approval of certain candidates does not bring future upheavals for the organization. Inside of this target of modernization and the reorganization of the enterprise process in search of the quality in the given services, the rapidity in the decisions is of basic importance in the present time. It is evidenced that professional in diverse areas, qualified and remunerated well, they exert its activities with satisfactory incomes in any segment. A Manager of RH always consults.