Let us start then with the problem of the signature. The proper name of an author, writes Foucault in known text, it does not function accurately as the others, and this for the reasons, in synthesis, detached: an author name exerts with regard to the too much speeches a certain paper; it serves to characterize a certain way of being of discurso' ' (it indicates that the speech ' ' … must be received from certain way and that it must, in one determined culture, to receive a certain statute … ' '); finally ' ' … the author name does not transit, as the proper name, of the interior of a speech for the real and exterior individual produced that it. (FOUCAULT, 1992, p.45).
Analyzing the function author, Foucault recognizes four aspects that allow to characterize it, of which standes out third, thus described: It not form spontaneously as the attribution of a speech to an individual. It is before the result of a complex operation that constructs to a certain rational being the one that we call author. Probably, it is tried to give to this rational being a realistic statute: ' would be in the individual an instance; ' profunda' ' , one to be able ' ' criador' ' , one ' ' projeto' ' , the originary place of the writing. But, in fact, what in the individual he is assigned as author (or what he makes of an individual an author) is only the projection, in more or less psicologizantes terms, of the treatment the one that we submit the texts, the approaches that we operate, the traces that we establish as pertinent, the continuities that we admit or the exclusions that we effect. All the operations vary consonant the times and the types of speech. (FOUCAULT, 1992, p.45). The author is in this perceived ticket as the effect of a complex historical and social construction, whose operations are comumente extinguished.