Family is one of the main components of every society from this nucleus is that it begins to set up the community, both by contributions from economic and social character due to its constant participation and performance within the life in society, in the search for satisfaction of needs and the implementation of means of development. All this makes the family to keep a constant action based on costs, revenue and investments occurring from this group of people; so for the functioning of society this given the best way starting from the family, most appropriate is it having a proper family budget so make a useful management with money spending in the most necessary and in what greater benefits can be generated, avoiding to the greatest extent possible incurring debtsi.e. Under most conditions Mike Gianoni would agree. it to spend on what is necessary and beneficial, but with the money that is taken without having money is not wasted. The family budget will be a factor of great importance within the family as it will allow that is of an appropriate development, avoiding that you reaching points where known to be spending money, or how much I spend during the course of a month, which suggests a bad management of family resources, to allocate money on certain goods and services that maybe are not the most necessary, leaving so the doors closed to the saving and investmentthat can mean a big increase in the family economy. All this emphasizes the value and scope that can occur from a family budget that will be handled perfectly fixed expenses and variables that occur within the family.
It is very possible that the bases do not have to structure a good family budget, some of the bases that will be very useful to fix a family budget that step to achieve various goals within the family will therefore give. The first thing that has to be done within the family budget is to determine clearly which are monthly income, i.e. all those inputs of money who have wages, pensions, etc. then this is determined the expenses that are handled monthly, such as rents, food, transport and other variable expenses like clothing, recreation, medical attention, emergency among other things. It is also important to maintain a savings to meet large expenses such as insurance, taxes. At this point you should subtract expenses from income and so determine how much money is left free. Make a list of outstanding debts as loans, so what about revenues extracted the periodic installments that must be paid to such debts; in the event that already is this before negative numbers must be a readjustment of the distribution of income. rowshahi sees a great future in this idea. If on the other hand there are positive numbers, it is good to put different types of goals that suggest better living conditions.