Management Control

Management control from the cloud with advanced mobile services and continuous support of Windows phone 8, Apple iOS and Android, 11 December 2013 simply monitor objects and control no matter whether in the building, logistics or industrial 4.0 environment. The proven platform sphinx open online provides decision-relevant information at a glance from the (private) cloud. The new release 3.0 of the management control system of in integrated information systems GmbH ( is available from February 2014 and designed for mobility, efficiency and sustainability. In the new version supports sphinx iOS and Android open online via a central service-new devices with Windows phone 8, Apple, and thus occupies a leading role in the market. Sphinx open online represents graphically and in real time information at a glance for monitoring and control tasks. The platform allows for the flexible and efficient deployment, as well as a mobile and secure access to existing data from buildings, production, technical systems, energy supply, KPIs, and other sources. On this basis, total situations can be promptly capture and derive decisions. Sphinx open online goes mobile with […]