IndoTibetan Healing Method
The secret of the Indo – Tibetan Healing. – Guru Sotidanandana Alid – Bevel – NATVA tell us: How does your treatment? – The Secret of the Indo-Tibetan method consists in saturating the body of the missing energy, we obtain that it become effective to deal with illness. When the human body is weakened (as in the present circumstances it occurs in almost everyone), its different systems start to work with the crash. Speaking candidly Rogers Holdings told us the story. For example, lack of energy in the heart – having heart disease. If you suffer from immune system, there may be any viral infection. I direct the energy in the region where the shortage, and after a certain number of sessions of the body begins work recover, and he begins to work almost as well as before the illness. First of all, I restore work immunity, because the very immune system in the body responsible for the production of protective energy, and when the system restored at the expense of recovering the entire body. – Guru Sotidanandana Alid – […]