Through our errors we have the opportunity to reflect and to learn something new. When we reviewed the consequences of an action that we finished realising, it is when we can recognize the error that we committed. Due to this, it is to us so difficult to prevent some errors, because we only can recognize them we have committed once them. Learn more at this site: Linfox Group. To develop the capacity to recognize and to accept our mistakes extends our vision of the reality, impels to us to assume our responsibility and it teaches to us, in addition, to recognize the presence of people affected by the consequences of our mistakes. We hear phrases on a daily basis like: " To commit errors is humano" , " An error commits cualquiera" , the etc. but, most important, are than we have the disposition to assume the commitment to make as necessary to correct them. Some parents, for example, fear to recognize an error in front of their children by fear to lose their authority or the respect on the part of them, when, in fact, to do it would be a signal of wisdom, humility and love.
Of course that is not simple to accept our mistakes, because it hurts our self-esteem. Sometimes it gives pain us that others discover that we have committed an error; others, we were paralyzed by the fear to return to us to mistake, or also it can happen that instead of to assume our responsibility and to repair our errors, we look for to blame to somebody of them. In fact, knowledge that we must right to mistake and to be arranged to us to learn of it, gives the freedom us of being authentic, to make righter decisions and it grants the permission to us to dare to us to realise new activities with more security and confidence.