It has of if also mentioning the punishment system, that is, of punishments or penalties to restrain certain types of behavior. To Oliveira (2008), the Remuneration for Abilities came with the objective to implement the paradigm in addition of the traditional model of remuneration, being searched to line up the politics of the organization to the innovative aspects of Management of People with the result in the business. With characteristics proper it is come back to differentiate the wages of the collaborators, through behavior measurable, and if she makes joust, carrying through the differentiation of the abilities of the collaborators. (OLIVEIRA, 2008, P. 24) the remuneration for abilities came to assist and to facilitate the process all.
The use of this system in the companies alone tends to increase, since an extra motivation on the part of the employees making appears there to be valid that all its persistence/ability will be remunerated according to criteria. With the implantation of the plan of positions and wage it facilitates the evaluation very to remunerate itself for ability. 2,6 Implantation of the plan of positions and wages the problem only is not come back the positions and wages, but it is of ours to know that the companies who keep a level of very great disorganization, do not give account of that the investment applied for it is bringing condizentes benefits. The paper biggest of the professional who also carries through studies on positions and wages not it is to understand and to establish the norms so that benefits of this study appear and yes the acceptance of managers of the organization. As Micheletti (2007) ‘ ‘ the great problem faced for the professionals of Human resources of many of these companies is to obtain to show for the direction the importance of this investment for one better performance of organizao.’ ‘ We can establish rules, to facilitate, as the fact to know as the other companies of same market are paying.