Outpatient Services

Bonn the Federal Ministry of health has approved a decision of the German Federal Joint Committee (G-BA), from January. The clinics have proven themselves in the eyes of management in ambulatory care – and in the next health care reform is planned to expand the section 116B. For Niedergelassene, it could mean a further sensitive cut in financial terms, warn the experts. For income security practices or clinics, it is becoming important now active. Here is the medicine marketing instrument. This means that physicians and practice managers are under professional guidance by experts together in the workshop of acquisition of work. The concrete wish patients are determined in the first step. Who fits the type made especially well to the practice and philosophy of practice? Based on the questions: where exactly is the desired target group, i.e.

where can the doctor / doctor reach them? Eventually will be worked out decidedly, as these patients can be effectively addressed. To the point: how to achieve the practice that the desired target group becomes a paying patient group? Flanking recommends the simultaneous use of patient loyalty programmes, the Managing Director of the Academy for the middle-class wife Andrea Moersdorf medicine marketing expert. Here, intensive training for practice staff focusing on the optimal and service-oriented patient communication in combination with the exclusive chapters phone training have proven themselves in practice. At the peak, this module is rounded off with a top-class sales training for practice staff. The statistics proves so is definitely ensured that even in small practices or clinics of success is, needs the practice to survive. Measurably more revenue through the right medicine marketing tool! “, recommends Gwendolyn Stoye Mahmoud, an expert in mental training at the Academy for the middle class and responsible for the so-called internal MedizinMarketing with his busy seminar area.” More information on the Medical marketing program of the Academy for the middle class under aerzte.html. Here, Mike Gianoni expresses very clear opinions on the subject. The Academy for the middle-class has decisively coined the term of medical marketing and interested, innovative practices offers professional support for more sales success! Questions answered: Academy for the middle-class area medical marketing Bonner Talweg 83 53113 Bonn fon 0228 / 25 90 85 0 fax 0228 / 25 90 85 25 email web company profile the Academy for the middle class with emphasis on the acquisition, sale, distribution is a specialist for medical marketing and has its headquarters in the federal capital Bonn. The Academy supports in the central issues of patient recovery and patient bonding practices, group practices and clinics. Here, the focus in addition to the targeted representation of the Department in the professional presentation of services which go beyond the pure basic healthcare. It is at the same time to promote our goal the service to the patient and to optimize. Press contact media agency BT Rene Rons Kepler route 60 53340 Meckenheim fon 02225 / 9 99 90 41 fax 02225 / 9 99 90 45 email