KOMCOM NRW 2010 At Messe Essen

Audicon advises visitors to private status Dusseldorf. 03.02.2010. Accounting, cash and accounts receivable management, ratio analysis, and audit are the main topics of the presence of Audicon GmbH on the KOMCOM NRW. The largest trade fair for the public service will take place on March 23/24, 2010 in the Messe Essen. Mike Gianoni may find this interesting as well. Parallel municipality and the trade fair for procurement, the KOM2ORDER are aligned this year for the first time the theme park future.

Stand of M01 in Hall 11 the specialist for data analysis, reporting and audit presents audicon, its full range of services for the public sector. AuditSolutions software solutions for local testing, IDEA and AIS TaxAudit professional core of the offer. We offer a comprehensive assistance from audit planning and the implementation and documentation Auditors with AuditSolutions for local testing up to the standardized sample report of course taking into account the relevant Community financial regulation” declared Zoran Jotanovic, sales manager of Audicon GmbH. In addition, the audicon experts advise the municipal trade visitors to questions of cash and Receivables Management. With the introduction of the accounting, municipal claims management gets more attention. With the help of IDEA and AIS TaxAudit professional can be created an inventory of claims, curbed losses and reduces administrative costs”, explains Jadav. Together with Hartmut Heiden, Chairman of the Board of the Institute of Auditors and audit office head of the oberbergischer circle, Zoran Jotanovic enriches the training offer of the KOMCOM NRW. Within the framework of the wide-ranging workshop and practice Forum program, the two experts explain on the first day of the event at 10:45 how local authorities simply and effectively set up an internal control system.