Integrated Risk Management Challenge

Plan how to articulate management processes of quality (ISO 9002), security management information (ISO-27000), continuity of business (ISO-22399), environmental management (ISO-14000), resource management, human (OSHAS 18000), management services (ISO-20000), and integrated management of risk (ISO-31000) among others, seems a game of Sudoku or something, where the imagination can be complement favourite of those who experience does not reach them to find points of agreement and alignment of these leading practices (best practices?) that now invade organizations. Currently continue appearing enhanced and practical ways of doing things, and in some cases, integrate different disciplines of knowledge already tested in organizations. I recently watched the emergence of the PAS-200 as a new guide to approach the business continuity with the main objectives of the cities eager to align Crisis management plans. Totally logical, sometime in history organizations in the private sector will have to align with the bodies responsible for prevention, attention and intervention of emergency and crisis in the cities (then we’ll talk about this topic). Do but, returning to the subject that concerns us, the big question is how to achieve a balance between the performance expected business to obtain and reach profitability, sustainable growth, and objectives of responsibility towards its partners, society, the planet and the environment, if there are currently efforts isolated and unarticulated in favour of implementing best practices that comply with the provisions of bodies of control and surveillance?It is incredible to see how risk management topics are still being treated as a panacea that prioritizes the company’s action and set aside the eseprado of business performance. Achieving this balance can be satisfactory and effective when it is a stop on the road and we adopt a re – think business from the perspective of new opportunities and challenges to implement in the next 10 years.

A good method to achieve balance, is to initiate a review, adjustment and project modeling of enterprise architecture that allows to scroll through all the constituent elements of the Organization: objectives, strategies, business, operating model, model of processes, information architecture, model data, technology support, risks and controls, model model performance and measurement, model profiles and skills, and the cyclic optimization model. The expected results will allow project the Organization into shape aligned, consistent and articulated, facilitating the balance between risk, controls and expected performance, this exercise requires very good experience and knowledge from the planning and the powerpoint to the facts and practical that facilitate the achievement of the objectives of the project. Without a doubt, may not be side evaluation post-implementation allowing to adjust the path to a new company sustainable, growing, profitable and strategically dutiful of his duties.