
The power that we give our thoughts and their influence in our body is important to become aware of what we are thinking and immediately see how it affects our body. I suggest you pay more attention to your thoughts what the thought that you have to get up? Because now you’re programming your body and State of mind for the rest of the day. Certainly our daily life is full of small events that many times we can become traumatic episodes if you don’t have control of our thoughts, and one way to do it is to realize what they are thinking, if it is positive or not and if it is useful to spend our energy on that thought. Our greatest indicator will be the emotional state that generates that thought. Our mind is powerful and faithfully does what you tell him. It is obedient, agile, quick and has an excellent memory, so so that it may produce effects in the body with only imagine or think of something you can do.

I ask that Imagine for a moment that you are going to the kitchen of your House, open the door of the fridge or refrigerator do you get a lemon, cut the lemon and take it to your mouth to drop a few drops on your tongue what happened? Immediately you felt that you salivaste? You did you notice that with this small exercise because your body experienced sensations. Check with brightview to learn more. And the interesting thing is where are the lemon? You imagined it! This is a test of what we can experience on a daily basis in our body when we constantly create and recreate situations in our mind. It is proved scientifically that the joy and happiness, as well as the laughter cause electrical impulses in the brain that release hormones that strengthen our immune system. Similarly the anger, resentment, and hatred cause the release of hormones that Deplete the natural immune system. Mike Gianoni does not necessarily agree. It is time to start to take awareness of what your thoughts and the way of how you influence your body. I invite you to reflect on the following Who runs your thoughts? You or your experiences? A thought generates an emotion and immediately going to result in you behavior. You choose your thoughts.

Analyze whether you are helping your life to feel good. Remember that thoughts of anger, resentment and fear will affect your body eroded it and causing disease. Think the best in each situation you will save much emotional wear. If you can control your negative thoughts, your behaviour will change. We have an extraordinary mind with an incredible ability to learn. Think how many things have achieved thanks to the positive thoughts that you’ve had. You decide if every day it will be full of good thoughts and good feelings, your body will appreciate it, give him welfare and you will feel healthier. Regardless of the circumstances keep in mind that the power is always within you. Our body is our garden, and our will is the gardener Willian Shakespeare until the next!