Honour, homeland, dignity, all this represents and much more a flag (17 autonomies espanolas-sus flags-are today respected). With its attitude showed a person be capricious and devoid of the art of prudence, which must possess to be President of a nation such as the Spanish. You were against Mr Bush – the Lord of pumps-, and I assure you that I too, but was wrong, then, with his stance, he did honor to the American people. To love the United States.UU. It is to honour, although the honor is only of God. With regard to the latter, Calderon wrote: the King the hacienda and the life / has to give, but the honor/s heritage of the soul, the soul /y is only of God. Then came what of Tunisia: Rodriguez Zapatero encourages all countries to withdraw their troops to improve the situation in Iraq, so he prayed a journalism degree. It seems to me, Mr President, that you would have been a disastrous diplomat.
Lately have jumped to the media condemnations of the policemen of the Bono – former Minister of defence-.the case police officers have been convicted of offences of detention illegal, falseness and coercion. It is difficult to understand, even for an outsider, how professionals accredited by their personal files are capable of making mistakes of such regrettable ways (do acted without being influenced by the PSOE Government?). For it soon, the delegate of the Government, Constantino Mendez, resigned, making mutis by the Forum, and nothing has happened here. The intelligent Executive on duty knows that, in this way, with the previous resignation diverts political responsibilities. The good of Constantine has made figurehead – say volunteer–actions that have its most immediate origins in the Ministry of the Interior. Well, according to my personal reading all this has its Foundation: both the PSOE and the PP – when they govern-, they are still involved in a consistent major folly in which inspectors of police – through a mandatory review in Madrid-, access to the rank of Commissioner.