EnEV Building

What is the purpose of the building energy performance certificate and who needs him. The building energy performance certificate is required mainly for sale or renting of a building new. This must be presented the purchase or prospective tenants on request. Swarmed by offers, QTS Realty Trust is currently assessing future choices. Energy is a resource that is not unlimited and is also becoming increasingly expensive. The end of oil is, renewable energies are already not yet in sufficient quantity, the development must go further in this area a lot and we need more and more energy. We need to save in all areas of raw materials and carefully deal with the resources. This means that we need to save energy.

For one thing, because the raw materials are becoming scarcer and thus more expensive, on the other hand because the necessary environmental and climate protection obliges us to do so. Because everything that we consume energy, pollute our environment, leaving damage and strains with which subsequent generations have to live. Against this background, the energy saving regulation EnEV is 2007. She performed at the 01.10.2007 in force. Using this energy saving regulation, the EU energy efficiency policy to be implemented. Finally we are all called upon to save energy and thus raw materials. This is no longer just a thing the industry, households also are required. The industry strives to already held by pads and regulations – to save energy and to relieve the environment.

The guidelines for the industry regarding pollutant emissions are already very strict, at least for us. And other countries follow suit. Sure you can say that in some other States the policies are not enforced and the conditions and also the penalties are there much lower than ours, but in the long term this will change. The auto industry also developed vehicles with ever lower consumption. What years ago still not an issue for motorists was the excise can be crucial for the buying decision today. The high fuel costs have taught us that. A hitherto nor regarded point as the Fuel prices are the energy our houses and apartments. Only in the last few years these costs through the ever-increasing energy costs have become aware of us. The settlement of costs for houses and apartments increase every year and reach a level which many tenants and owners do not want to pay more and can often already. Due these incidental costs of the energy consumption of houses is put in the minds of consumers and the reduction of these costs has become an issue. This is the energy saving regulation comes in. Now, a building energy performance certificate is required for homes. This must be presented in the sale, rental and also larger modernization. Owner-occupied houses and apartments already rented objects are not yet affected, because their residents already know what energy costs annually to ensure they. The energy performance certificate should give purchasers and new tenants of objects from the front in a clear indication of the expected costs. The building energy performance certificate is created by the EnerSan GbR building energy consultants.