Egypt Turkey

The administration focuses on the edge of an internal information policy, actively uses the Internet advertising resources. Of course, in the long term internal Tourism in Russia will grow and this is the main hope of the Russian tourist business. Here are just a very doubtful that the Russian resorts to vacation this summer will be cheaper than, for example, in Turkey or Egypt. In addition, if compare the comfort level of Russian and foreign mass of hotels in areas, such as Turkey, Egypt, Tunisia and Bulgaria, the comparison is not in our favor. Therefore, to domestic tourism in Russia continued to grow, we must urgently bolster its infrastructure changes, and to do so will not be easy. These countries are competitors flexible approach to pricing than they are significantly attractive for the Russians. In Ukraine, the property owners in resort towns are filled with more optimism than in Russia, demand for rental housing here, apparently, do not drop or fall is not significant.

Crisis seriously worsened the economic situation in Ukraine, so it is expected that many members of the so-called Ukrainian “middle class” will refuse to travel to Egypt and Turkey in favor of the Crimea and Odessa. Moreover, this happens even in spite of the fact that tourist agencies of Ukraine is rapidly reducing the price of permits in hopes of stimulating the Ukrainian tourists to travel abroad, but $ 500 for a week vacation in Turkey for the Ukrainian citizens are already a luxury. Another feature of the crisis – this is due to the fall of the hryvnia to foreigners has become profitable to rest on the Ukrainian resorts. Foreign exchange rates for rental properties is not increased, but Prices in UAH for food, transportation, etc. increased slightly. As a result, the purchasing power of the dollar, the euro and the ruble has risen sharply in the Ukraine.

Therefore, all the experts predict the influx of tourists not only Russia and the CIS, but also from Europe. Russians became more profitable to rest on Ukraine if the 2008 is 1000 rubles were given 170-180 hryvnia, then in May 2009 for 1,000 rubles give 240 hryvnia. Currently (May 2009) the price of daily rent studio a comfortable apartment in Odessa or the Crimea $ 25-40 depending on the area – it’s even cheaper than last year by 10-15%. Suddenly worsened an already difficult situation of tourism business in 2009, swine flu epidemic. In heavy position because of the swine flu epidemic hit while resorts in Mexico. The number of tourists here as compared to the same period last year, has dropped by 40 percent. Because the outflow of tourists are Mexican resorts millions in losses each week. Despite the fact that in the resort of Acapulco and Cancun, no cases of swine flu, foreign tourists prefer to cancel or postpone a trip to Mexico. 2009 will be very difficult for the tourist business and weaker players with enough professional management will be forced to withdraw from the market, leading to a significant redistribution of the customer base.