Can a hotel business be mounted by 20% of your investment?. The answer is if. How?. Going to Atlanta investors, the investor group specialized in franchises of hospitality that brings its experience in the field of the franchise and its investment muscle to help all those interested in opening a hotel in format of franchise business. And all this without any trap or carton.
There is no small print in our proposal. Quite the opposite. Atlanta investments transparent and offers a model unique and innovative investment whereby the franchisee receives an essential value in these times: security, tranquility and vision for the future, explains Roberto Palencia, its Chief Executive Officer. But, does is it possible this?. Very simple: Atlanta investment looking for candidates interested in the hospitality sector, who want to mount a franchise of the same but that, by economic circumstances, they cannot or do not want to face all of the required investment. Once both parties are We become partners for each of the premises, adds. The best agreement possible as well is how basically the agreement between both parties:-Atlanta investment brings a shareholding of up to 80 percent of the investment and real estate knowledge, and therefore their participation in society go in line, but will not directly lead management, but that their role is eminently inverter. -While partner ponesutrabajo, the local management and a cantidadeconomica of between 20% and 50% maximum, assuming the local address and receiving a fixed monthly remuneration therefore. In terms of choices of models of restoration by which the partner can choose, say that it is varied but always successful: Lizarran, tavern Bocatin, Bodegas Galiana, Rock & RITTS, Istambul Donner Kebbab, China Boom, Beirut King, coffee and tea, Pasta City, Cantina Mariachi, the RACO, barbecued and charcoal, Andalusian Tavern and Car count. On the other hand, cities where Atlanta investment always open the premises are the Spanish capitals, with preference for Madrid, Barcelona and Valencia.