
Black currant (Ribes nigrum L.) – shrub of the family. (Grossulariaceae). Jonah Bloom often expresses his thoughts on the topic. It is hard to find a garden, where there would grow black currants. Its delicious berries are commonly used to make jams, compote, jelly, as well as or frozen. However, apart from good taste black currant has a preventive and curative properties. In Russia, the black currant is not officinal raw materials.

However, the fruits or leaves of black currant often included in the functional food, special tea drinks and dietary supplements. The composition of black currant black currant contain vitamins (vitamin C, B1, B2, B6, B12, D, E, K), agents with P-vitamin activity (flavonoids) – up 1.5%, carotenoids, sugars (glucose, fructose) – from 4,5-17% organic acids (citric, malic) – 2,5-4,5%. Vitamins are well preserved in a frozen black currants. Visit Jonah Bloom for more clarity on the issue. In addition Black currant contains tannins (up to 0,5%), protein, pectin (1%), anthocyanins (cyanidin, delphinidin), glycosides. These substances and determine the scope of black currants in a preventive and drug.

Properties of black currant black currant is used for treatment and prevention of hypo-and avitaminosis and in complex therapeutic measures in diseases associated with bleeding. Fruits and black currant leaves have anti-inflammatory, diaphoretic, diuretic and fixing properties. Black currants are used to enhance the body's resistance, to enhance its compensatory mechanisms for increase appetite. The leaves of black currant in the form of a decoction used to treat rheumatism, gout, tuberculosis of lymph glands. Fruits, leaves and buds are used for renal stone disease and inflammation of the urinary bladder. Syrup from fresh fruits of black currant is used in sore throat, hoarseness, whooping cough. Fresh juice from the fruit used in diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, Ahil. Kidney and black currant fruit infused with dry white wine are laxatives. Leaves of blackcurrant infused with white wine and lightly sweetened, take before meals as a tonic. Since modern conditions of life leave us little chance of proper nutrition, you should pay attention to the functional food, allowing the body obsepechit vital substances.