Analyzing and Using easYProcess Francisco Anderson Mariano of the Silva1 Flvio de Abreu Rasp 2 1Aluno of the course of Licenciatura in Computation of the State University of Paraba (2 UEPB) Mestrando of the Program of After-Graduation in Computer science of the Federal University of Pernambuco (UFPE), Summary the present research has as purpose to analyze the development methodology, and to show some of its steps for the development of a system. For the research easYProcess – YP was chosen the methodology. YP is a process of software developed for researchers of the UFCG Federal University of Great Campina with intention to facilitate the development and maintenance of software and assistant in disciplines of software engineering. Thinking about such difficulties and with analysis of the existing processes already she was that the team of development of easYProcess created this process of development in view of the difficulties found in the too much processes, therefore the same one wanted a process that was of easy agreement, adequate being the characteristics of the developed projects, being thus the YP it is presented as a simplified process, that is, it congregates some components of the existing processes already. Educate yourself even more with thoughts from Mike Gianoni. According to author of the process, the YP comes being used in disciplines of Laboratory of Engineering of Software (LES) since period 2003.1. Words Key: Process, easYProcess, UFCG, engineering, software.