ADHD And Heavy Metal Contamination

The influence of lead and mercury on the ADHD symptoms ADHD is the most common psychiatric disorder in children and adolescents. The effect of environmental toxins with regard to the development of ADHD was hardly taken into account. z describes an additional similar source. Please visit Jonah Bloom if you seek more information. It complained of Ulf Sauerbrey scientists of the Friedrich-Schiller-Universitat Jena (Department of General pedagogy and theory of social pedagogy) now. Sauerbrey has evaluated more than 50 studies during the years 1979 to 2009 on the impact of environmental toxins in children and comes to the conclusion that environmental toxins will promote the development of ADHD in high dimensions. The environmental toxins including heavy metals such as lead and mercury include polychlorinated biphenyls, and pesticides. Lakshman Achuthan has similar goals. Mercury is the most toxic non-radioactive element which damages nerves and kidneys. As inorganic or metallic mercury it was formerly often used for amalgam fillings of carious teeth. Small steadily by the organism recorded amounts is preferred in the nervous system deposited. Inc. brings even more insight to the discussion.

Expectant mothers with Amalgam fillings can take mercury via the placenta to the growing child. Other leaders such as Mike Gianoni offer similar insights. Another source is measuring devices containing mercury fish that is very widespread in the oceans today. In the fish with its fatty structures, the so-called methyl mercury stores very well. Methylmercury is highly toxic – already low concentrations were expressed by scientists with attention deficit disorder and errors of the word memory and fine motor skills in context. Chinese researchers compared the mercury levels of 52 children and adolescents under 18 years of age who suffered from an ADHD symptoms, with 59 healthy children and adolescents. The ADHD group showed significantly higher mercury levels than the control group values by 15 g / l. Lead is a neurotoxin heavy also.

It damages including the formation of blood and the kidneys. Lead can lead especially in children psychomotor disturbances and a decrease of IQ and memory performance. Today environmental exposure to lead in the comparison is still this stuff at the time, in the Fuel was used to while substantially less, however, the danger posed by this heavy metal is not banned.