The most common problem that occurs when you try to enhance the integration within the company or holding company structures – relative camodostatochnost these structures. Most clearly it can be described as an example of the holding in composition of which decided to enter the already established and fairly large companies, as in this case, the problem hypertrophy and become more visible than in the case of integration of individual departments. Typically, each this company has considerable experience in the market, the established team, an impressive luggage completed projects and an established image. At some point, management of the organization decides that to strengthen its market position and future business development appropriate to unite in holding with other leading players. is idea. In this case, you typically create a management company, which is delegated including intra-corporate PR. By the time of entry into the holding company has an existing business approach. Developed their own priorities, principles, problem solving, a strategy of development, as well as marketing and advertising policy. The company has its own corporate culture, the established rules of behavior and relations between units, a system of subordination.
And the staff is very difficult to accept some new rules dictated by the holding company. In general, the organization has everything to feel like a complete and self-sufficient. Finally, management has a vision of the role of the holding. Someone thinks its part of the holding and for some it is – just an additional opportunity to improve business. But even if at a senior level belonging to a separate holding company structure there, the staff of middle and lower level managers identify himself only with his own company.