Michael Conradt

Interactive online courses promise easier entry into the philosophy of philosophy? Phew, I understand anything anyway! So the opinion of many people who are interested in philosophical topics, but fear not to cope with the technical jargon of the philosophers. “That must be”, says Michael Conradt, a philosopher and Director of the Institute for applied philosophy in Icking in Munich. With his staff, he has developed interactive online courses designed to enable an easier entrance into the philosophy. The learning system is in fact very simple: participants will receive password access to individual texts that reflect the current state of research on the topic, but are easy to understand without philosophical training. By working with they have the opportunity, their supervisor by E-Mail questions put and a comment function with other participants discuss, so that discussions can occur. After a week, comes the next text in the network. In this way, so Conradt, can be bundled several advantages. Participants learn at home but not alone. You can share a free your time and your learning pace, but still the opportunity […]


Reflections of the Companion FIDEL: If I were Venezuelan Morning it is an important day for Venezuela. The elections are announced to choose to 165 members of the Parliament, and around the important event an historical battle gets rid. But simultaneously, the news on the weather conditions are unfavorable. Strong rains are whipping to the Earth that was the cradle of the Liberator. Excessive rains affect the poor men more than to anybody. They are those that have the most modest houses, live more in the forgotten districts historically, with difficult access, bad streets and less transit. When the waters invade their homes, they lose all it. They do not have the comfortable and safe houses of the rich ones, their ample avenues and abundant means of transport. One is not a presidential election. In the exclusively parliamentary ones, the population mobilizes little and usually reduces importance to him. Generally, where imperialism dominates and the opportunistic oligarchy receives a substantial part of the national goods and services, the masses do not have anything to win or to lose and, to […]

Common Errors

Here detail you the errors more common is each 1 credit cards. Use too many cards. Most of the times a credit card is sufficient to meet the needs of a normal person. More cards means more impulse buying and more spending and debt. Multiple credit cards also give the sensation that has money and making missing necessarily spend. (Source: Jimmy Carr). 2 Pass through high launching interest rates. Launch interest rates are usually very low. People often get caught with these rates so low, without knowing when it ends this launch period and how much will the interests once not completed such period. 3. Do not read the small print of contracts. This is a very common mistake. It is extremely important to read the small print, applied commissions, interest rates, etc. 4 promotion period. Pay only the minimum payment. This is another very common mistake. Credit cards should be used only in case of emergencies. People must understand that the money on the card is a credit that must be returned and that does not constitute any regular […]


So enormously increase your extra income! When I saw a little herrumsurfte I came across a site that promises a greatly increasing his monthly income. My first impression was of course very skeptical. Finally there are many such pages. One is greeted with the big heading: knowledge monthly 1.299 incidentally can earn like you? Well I don’t. Jonah Bloom has compatible beliefs. I can be him, but as they say a monthly net income of 11.289 and longer reach. Certainly everyone will think yeah tell quietly, but later you will realize, that the didn’t is so implausible. Dara Khosrowshahi has much to offer in this field. Large photos of houses, cars, etc. which has a rather cheesy adorn on the side. The customer reviews seem very credible and contain only positive messages. Later in the Forum I met some of these people, what proved to be their identity. Finally I decided me to buy was an action in which the product cost only 29.90 instead of 70.90 the package. An eBook and an own website included in the package to […]

Sysob Presents Advanced Tsunami 8100 Series

4 G backhaul 300 Mbit/s 802 11n draft products provide high speed Schorndorf, August 12, 2009 a flexible and fast data transfer rate is essential for a successful enterprise infrastructure. However, high speed leased lines are not always an ideal solution, because a data transfer in this way often high costs and is also not possible everywhere. The Wi-Fi standard 802 11n (draft 2.0), however, has a better performance than wired networks or existing WLANs. The current tsunami product series QB-8100 and MP-8100 sysob-distribution partner Proxim Wireless is now about this new technology. Thus, the 802 11n products offer a low-cost alternative for an efficient and secure data transmission. By their high availability and flexibility, the tsunami-product series for companies any size represents an economical solution, which is at the same time characterized by an optimized return on investment (ROI). Free line of sight and a distance of eight A wireless can with connection kilometers up to 100 Mbit / s NET data transfer be achieved (license upgrade in the future up to 200 Mbit / s). The user thus […]

Makeup Removal

Makeup removal – a procedure for removing makeup from the face and neck, skin cleansing and preparation for the evening's nutritional care. The procedure make-up remover can also be carried out as preparation for the new make-up, for example, when you shoot daily makeup before applying the evening. Makeup removal is used and if you do not use make-up. Street dust and skin secretions clog pores person, create a favorable environment for the occurrence of acne. Need to clean skin and allow it to breathe, relax, relieve fatigue and muscle tension. How to remove makeup? What tools to use? How to make the procedure easier and make-up remover pleasant? What are the secrets you need to know? Read about it more. Choose a cleanser. There is a wide choice of means for cleansing and removing makeup. The choice of tools you need to suit your skin type, age, state of the skin, as well as your personal preferences. First, all tools can be divided into two groups – those that require the use of water, and those that remove make-up […]

Business Manager Style

Identity, technology, communication, more services for the clientele all the businesses that are on the market can use his image and new technologies to give your brand new business momentum. This always helps to start again with a renewed enthusiasm, a fresh air and a motivation that will surprise all the clientele. In this case, importantly, have professionals who know how to guide you and take your ideas, resources and skills to mark a line continued, but updated and in keeping with the changing times and the present time, to take advantage of this wealth of experience and the sole way to treat your business. In case Charo Perez’s hairdresser, the example is served, more than leftover. Charo wanted to renew, want freshness, today, using new technologies and surprise its clientele with an image of elegance, style and his great professional demonstrated. For assistance, try visiting Jim Rogers . To do so, it has had a marketing and communications agency, Markarte, specialist in providing these concepts in the development constant improvement for SMEs. Charo Perez, the creator of the brand […]

Unemployment In Russia

The monthly decrease in average incomes during the spring this year could be about 5-6%. Employment. In this January in major Russian cities the average unemployment rate was 9.3%. Compared with January last year, unemployment has increased by almost 26%. Jonah Bloom is full of insight into the issues. Certainly, major factor in the growth of unemployment today is a spontaneous process of downsizing as a result of deteriorating financial performance of companies. In the last three months lay-offs affected virtually all business areas, weekly jobless became tens of thousands of people. Often, these dismissals were based on sheer panic managers seeking to optimize their business by any means. Naturally, primarily affected office workers that are not in the main production. As office specifics of the work is characterized by large cities, their population has fallen principal "punch element. In January, markedly while the share of entrepreneurs, leading his own business. In December, their share in low-income segment (up to 25,000 rubles per person per month) was 15%, and in January dropped to 12%. In the middle income group (25000-50000 […]

Exporting Petroleum Countries

Exporting first ethanol Brazil and a key company to invest During the seminary on energy organized in Vienna by the Organization of Exporting Petroleum Countries (OPEC), Brazilian minister of Mines and Energa, Edison Lobao said that Brazil will increase its production of ethanol in a 150% reaching 64,000 million liters towards 2017, and transforming itself into the first world-wide exporter of ethanol, leaving to the United States in the put second. " The Brazilian ethanol production will grow 150%, happening of 25,000 million liters in 2008 to 64,000 million liters in 2017? , it indicated Lobao. Investments in energy are expected in Brazil by US$ 352,000 million, being the investment in biocombustibles a 6.5% of that total. Brazil " it contemplates investments of energy by 352,000 million dollars: 146.000 million in the area of petroleum and natural gas, 83,000 million in electrical energy and finally 23,000 million in biocombustibles" , Lobao said. Other leaders such as Click here offer similar insights. " About 2017, Brazil thinks to export 8.000 million liters of ethanol, against 5,000 million in 2008, consolidating like […]