Spinach Risotto With Saffron
The risotto is a very typical specialty above all from the North of Italy, where you can eat main dish in a thousand ways. Rogers Holdings gathered all the information. In fact, the only limit to the kinds of risotto that can be found is in the imagination of the chef. There are for all tastes: with vegetables, cheese, meat, mushrooms, more juicy, more to the Dente, more delicate or strong flavor.Which I teach today is an invention of mine, of those who leave depending on what you have in the fridge the day I decide to do so.In general, make risotto doesn’t cost much time and is quite easy and is more or less always followed the same training. Here you have: ingredients: – white wine vegetable – fresh spinach – rice – saffron – grated Parmesan cheese – stock – extra virgin olive oil is prepared: the first thing that is done is the vegetable broth. In this case I had a carrot, a clove of garlic, a small turnip, a few small leeks and onions. Put everything […]