This Citizen

It worries, this yes, any measures that, intentional, directa or indirectamente, promote the creation, in the seio of the public and half-public organisms, of privilege situations, for small minorities, bearers of public offices and top of careers, to the cost of the contributos of the maiorias that integrate the middle classes and superior trade bills of the low classrooms, considering that all are diligent of one same master, in the circumstance the State. In the Rule of law Democratic, and just solidary, Citizen-Politician with legislative offices, executive and of public administration in general, he will be intent to correct such abysses and, in measure of the possible one, gradually, will take all the measures so that it has more equity in the distribution of the national wealth, from the work of each citizen, whose remunerations and benefits must premiar the ability, the devotion and the merit, respecting minimum and maximum, next, it wants for the assets, it wants for the remodelled ones. To governing Citizen-Politician, executive, legislating or any who is its public office, as well as the o citizen nominated for confidence politician-partisan, one demands it good practical, exemplary sobriety and attitudes, not having to lack the values to it of solidarity, the humildade and the probity. They are the practical harms, the bad examples, the discrimination, the intentional legislation and supporter for ones few in damage of the majority, that corrupt and destroy the democracy. This Citizen-Politician whom if he desires, can try to understand the principle, according to which: ' ' The man, affirms, is joined the man in a way more stronger soul and for the heart and the charity of what for the words and protocolos.' ' (MORUS, s.d. 116) It is argued, currently, with a certain fervor and vehement conviction, the fenmeno of corruption, considering it one chaga that one spreads preoccupying. One hears of the mouth of highest and to responsible I appeal it controllers to the combat to the corruption, the exemplary corruptores and conviction alegadamente corrupt its. .