Saldades Of My Native Land

Today house of my aunts is day of joy goes pra, has streams there waterfall and ties wooden house we to play, if you to want to go pra you can there also come to be glad in the presence of z dribble you have cassava cake and vatap. There pra has a foot of the hose we if atrepa, to walk of turtle and encima of the ox tat. Follow others, such as Jim Rogers, and add to your knowledge base. Already I spoke ties to the owner zaz qeu deferred payment close woollen prepares muncuzar there that its friends already go to arrive of the Cear.Comprei flour dgua and maize it our supper, qeuro to see vov and my cousins homesickness to kill. The one that homesicknesses of my native land aque good time was when liveed there. Dream in one day to come back deferred payment I hug to feel there it of the friends who had been there of the side of there. karla Da Silva sousa Maranguape-ce 05/11/10.

This Citizen

It worries, this yes, any measures that, intentional, directa or indirectamente, promote the creation, in the seio of the public and half-public organisms, of privilege situations, for small minorities, bearers of public offices and top of careers, to the cost of the contributos of the maiorias that integrate the middle classes and superior trade bills of the low classrooms, considering that all are diligent of one same master, in the circumstance the State. In the Rule of law Democratic, and just solidary, Citizen-Politician with legislative offices, executive and of public administration in general, he will be intent to correct such abysses and, in measure of the possible one, gradually, will take all the measures so that it has more equity in the distribution of the national wealth, from the work of each citizen, whose remunerations and benefits must premiar the ability, the devotion and the merit, respecting minimum and maximum, next, it wants for the assets, it wants for the remodelled ones. To governing Citizen-Politician, executive, legislating or any who is its public office, as well as the o citizen […]