Turkish Resort Vacations

It is not necessary to rank as adventurer, if your vacation was held at the Turkish resort. This kind of rest does not apply to adventure tourism, even when resting, you jumped from bungee or skate on quads, but of course this kind of holiday for beginners, too, seems extreme. Adventure that can be called rest, whose main purpose alloy for kayaks or rafts, moving on rough terrain in jeeps, bikes, snowmobiles or loshedyah, part safari, scuba diving or speleology, tours to specialized vehicles designed for missions and tons. etc. All kinds of these may in principle to various options be combined in one round. They are designed as experienced travelers who have experience or participation in such tours, and the people without special training.

Specialized travel agencies and tour guides conductors take on the entire organization for the movement on the route and learning the necessary skills. Payback adventure tourism in its expression, in principle, no less than other types of tourism. Only here in Russia view of the rest uses mostly popular among the youth level of income, which below the national average. That is why the tour in Russia mainly offered relatively inexpensive. At the same time tremendous opportunities for this type of tourism in our country are attracting more and more tourists from other countries, which are much more demanding of service and quality of services offered. And of course normally organized adventure tours should be no less beach or sightseeing tours, as there a lot of money to provide for the safety of participants.

Due to the fact that while the market adventure tours is not highly konkurentnosobnostyu and many travel agencies located locally in regions where tourism is, it does not have a large capital funds for the promotion their programs throughout the country visible in the tourism market up to 3 dozen travel agencies, six of which have a large selection of tours in all regions of the country. What problems stayut to the development of adventure tourism: The almost complete lack of information in the press about this remarkable and enticing as a leisure travel agency exclusively small capital holding area and not having the possibility of creating a full-fledged advertising company. In the absence of faith in people to support this kind of vacation. The almost complete lack of trained and qualified staff, including guides. Lack of full proposals, which takes place be due to fragmentation of tour agencies and the organizers of the rest. Not much seasonality. In some regions, no more than 3 months.