The Expression

However, it must be prevented to jump directly of the image to the text, is necessary to cross the course of the words, its speech. The image is influenced by optic and psychic forces. To a load of tension on of the word ' ' imagem' ' of what it represents, assumes clearly that a character motivated in the semantic processes is admitted, in game. This is really a valid criterion, according to Bosi, to accent the mimticas or expressive virtues of the onomatopia and the metaphor, but always it is arguable when this process seems to confuse the linguistic nature of the figures with the same, visual or onrica substance, of the image. The motivated character is present also in the words. Therefore, Bosi says in them that it has words that they are said motivated, has in the truth, a subjective agreement between the global, sensorial and emotivas reactions, and the way of one joint determined sound. Bosi goes to the point to say that the threshold of the expression, assumes internal movements to the body.

That is, the signs of bigger dose of motivation would be carrying of certain sensations that integrate basic experiences to the human body. He is clearly, that these ' ' signs motivados' ' , they do not make one ' ' pintura' ' of exterior objects, as they reproduced if them in integrates. Not, but, this movement of construction if inside makes of the organism in waves moved for the power to mean. In some cases, in them it seems that the glue linguistic sign this more to the represented thing, what happens many times in the poetry, and then happens as that an organized expressive operation in reply to the lived experience. In this operation the sound already is a mediator between will-of-meaning and to be meant world. The appearances most superficial already are effect of estruturao degree that assumes the existence of heterogeneous forces and in balance.