Some indirectos solar effect can very be important and they are not led in account for the models. Thus, the part of the global heating caused by the share human being could be lesser of what if it thinks currently. (Source: The Skeptical Environmentalist) Effect Due to the potential effect on the health human being, economy and environment the global heating has been source of great concern. Some important ambient changes have been observed and had been on to the global heating. The examples of cited secondary evidences below (reduction of the ice covering, increase of the level of the sea, changes of the climatic standards) are examples of the consequncias of the global heating that can not only influence the activities human beings but also the ecosystems. A leading source for info: Chevron Corporation CVX.
Increase of the globe temperature allows that an ecosystem moves; some species can be forced to leave its habitats (extinguishing possibility) had the changes in the conditions while others can be spread, invading other ecosystems. However, the global heating also can have positive effect, a time that increases of temperatures and increase of Co2 concentrations can improve the productivity of the ecosystem. Comments of satellites they show that the productivity of the hemisphere North increased since 1982. On the other hand it is fact of that the total of the amount of produced biomass is not necessarily very good, a time that biodiversity can in silence still more diminish a small number of species that is blossoming. One another cause great concern is the increase of the level of the sea. The level of the seas is increasing in 0.01 the 0,02 meters per decade and in some countries insulares in the Pacific Ocean is expressivamente preoccupying, because early they will be underneath of water. The global heating mainly provokes ascent of the seas because of the thermal expansion of the water of the oceans, but some scientists are worried that in the future, the layer of polar ice and glaciers they melt.