The Barometer

The Barometer of the Support the Barometer of Sustainability ' ' Barometer of the Support is destined, as its authors, to the governmental agencies and not governmental borrowers of decision and involved people in relative questions to the sustainable development, in any level of the system, the place to the global one (Prescott- Allen, 1997). The Barometer of Sustainability ' ' Barometer of the Support uses of performance scales combining different pointers of support, being thus its results if of the one through indices, and this same combination favors a general vision of the state of the environment and the society. On the Barometer of the support: 1.ESCALA OF PERFORMANCE We understand the performance scale as a method that equals the measures, not mattering of which pointer if it treats, the recital this in being able to establish a igualitrio parameter of analysis, as in an equation where it has that to equal the signals of the multipliers to get to the end a linear and comprehensive product. Former: An airplane on average takes 45 minutes of So Paulo until […]

Pacific Ocean

Some indirectos solar effect can very be important and they are not led in account for the models. Thus, the part of the global heating caused by the share human being could be lesser of what if it thinks currently. (Source: The Skeptical Environmentalist) Effect Due to the potential effect on the health human being, economy and environment the global heating has been source of great concern. Some important ambient changes have been observed and had been on to the global heating. The examples of cited secondary evidences below (reduction of the ice covering, increase of the level of the sea, changes of the climatic standards) are examples of the consequncias of the global heating that can not only influence the activities human beings but also the ecosystems. A leading source for info: Chevron Corporation CVX. Increase of the globe temperature allows that an ecosystem moves; some species can be forced to leave its habitats (extinguishing possibility) had the changes in the conditions while others can be spread, invading other ecosystems. However, the global heating also can have positive effect, […]


To promote an efficient ambient management in the administration of the recursosmateriais, in order, to prevent wastefulnesses and the control of the resduosslidos ones are the object of study of this work. The focus is the construocivil, that expressive produzporcentagens of solid residues. The management adequadodos material has as intention to prevent wastefulnesses, and to reduce ovolume of solid residues consequentemente and resulting in the diminuiodos ambient impacts to the environment. An organization that conciliaeficincia in the production and a vision of ambient responsibility, becoming more competitive increasing its financial capacity, for not being worried about corrective measures and yes with medidaspreventivas that provide a lesser cost. Considering models emecanismos for the improvement in processosde management of the constructors in its workmanships of constructions from responsive ambient umagesto and sustainable development. Word-key: Ambient management; civil construction; resources SLU depends on authorizations and. The Norms Techniques do not present a reutilizao model and recycling, only mentions the classification of the residues and risks that can cause. Ahead of this> prerogative lacks an action of the State in managing incentives, is these […]