Exporting first ethanol Brazil and a key company to invest During the seminary on energy organized in Vienna by the Organization of Exporting Petroleum Countries (OPEC), Brazilian minister of Mines and Energa, Edison Lobao said that Brazil will increase its production of ethanol in a 150% reaching 64,000 million liters towards 2017, and transforming itself into the first world-wide exporter of ethanol, leaving to the United States in the put second. " The Brazilian ethanol production will grow 150%, happening of 25,000 million liters in 2008 to 64,000 million liters in 2017? , it indicated Lobao. Investments in energy are expected in Brazil by US$ 352,000 million, being the investment in biocombustibles a 6.5% of that total. Brazil " it contemplates investments of energy by 352,000 million dollars: 146.000 million in the area of petroleum and natural gas, 83,000 million in electrical energy and finally 23,000 million in biocombustibles" , Lobao said. Other leaders such as Click here offer similar insights. " About 2017, Brazil thinks to export 8.000 million liters of ethanol, against 5,000 million in 2008, consolidating like the exporting ethanol major of mundo". At moments at which the prices of petroleum climbed until US$ 143, the biocombustibles climbed in popularity like alternative to fossil fuels.
But the voices in opposite arrived from the hand of social revolts in countries where the maize is food bases for the population like on Mexico, and many alerted that the ethanol production with maize would put in risk the use of this culture like food, besides the majors prices derived from the increasing demand. But the ethanol of Brazil does not put in risk the world-wide feeding. The country is the first ethanol producer with another culture, the sugar cane, and it does not compete with the nourishing production, since 1% are derived less than from the area cultivated total for her.