HR Manager

If your company a strong brand and a very attractive job, then with the selection of personnel to cope usual HR-manager with the skills of selection. But the harder task, the more the recruiter must be skilled in finding and talks, the more you will need strong recruiters. Perhaps those who are sometimes referred to as "bounty hunters" … those who do not work with those candidates who do send your resume to jobs, and those who are satisfied with their place and not seek employment with the so-called "Passive" candidates. How to increase efficiency? To begin, let alone a word to determine what job a headhunter is different from the usual work of a recruiter? So, the recruiter works primarily with "active" job seekers and its most important function – selection.

At the same headhunter first function – search, then – motivation. Or rather – peremotivatsiya. Accordingly, the people who are engaged direct search, active recruiting, ie headhunters must have some other qualities than just recruiters. Why? They deal with other categories of workers: people who are first to be found, and then persuade Back to work. So, some key principles of a headhunter. Be an expert.

And customers, employers, job seekers and candidates want to see in you an expert, a connoisseur and the "catcher" of the human soul … You have a thorough knowledge of position, its advantages and disadvantages, a competitive advantage. You have to start only 2-3 minutes to interested candidates. "Passive" candidates are not looking for work, so you have to call it instant interest and credibility.