Assintomtica phase: no symptom, but the test is positive for antigens of the HIV.Complexo related with AIDS (ARC): linfadenopatia, verbal diarria, candidase, loss of weight, fatigue, cutaneous eruption, recurrent infections, febre.AIDS: rare infections with pneumonia for pneumocystis carinii or rare cancers as sarcoma of kaposi or linfomas of B.Possveis cells complications: neurological comprometimento. According to Parslow et all: Including the linfcitos T, moncitos? macrophages, dendrticas cells foliculares and cells of langerhans; gradual global defects of the main characteristics imunolgicas of the virus of the imunodeficincia human being are: infection of the cells CD4 of the imunolgico system, humoral and cellular immunity; depletion of apparent linfcitos T CD4 (assistant? inductors); policlonal activation of linfcitos B with increase in the production of imunoglobulinas; evolution of the illness, the spite of the intense humorais and cellular answers against the virus. AIDS and women: As I land on water, 2005: In special, the question of the behavior of risk in women calls the attention, that is, the number of women infectadas for the virus comes growing in Brasil.Em 1986, entered a infectada woman to each 16 men in the same situation. Today this reason man? woman passes the order of 2/1, having regions where the reason is 1/1. Current data of the Health department disclose that the epidemic of the AIDS more grows nine times between the women. In Brazil, only in the year of 2003, 5,762 new cases of the epidemic had been notified and, of these, 3,693 had been verified in men and 2,069 in women, showing that, currently the epidemic grows more between women.
In 86% of the notifying feminine cases, the virus are contracted by means of sexual relation without protection. (I land on water apud Brazil? MS, 2003, 1 – 20). They are, in the generality, married women or that it has fixed partners and they do not present ' ' behavior promiscuo' ' , that the virus of ' had contracted inside; ' casa' ' or of a steady affective relation.