Successful marketing from initial contact up to the regulars on Sep 9, 2009 starts the StrategieCentrum Sudwestfalen its event series on the road in South Westphalia”with a workshop of the demand pull”experts Anton Dostal. Anton Dostal has more than 20 years trainer, marketing consultant, seminar providers, coach, journalist and author of the bestselling never more back an order! “.” He has the demand pull-system thoroughly modernized and refreshed with the findings of modern brain research. Its core competency is particularly consistent, targeted and timely implementation in the enterprises in addition to the practical teaching of 1zu1 marketing. For this, he developed a writing telephone approach to implementation, which introduces the seminar participants in their own workplace, in the context of their daily work, step by step in the system. ceived-Approval-to-Test-Commercial-Deliveries.html’>US Parcel Service. People such as Mike Gianoni would likely agree. Anton Dostal is guest speaker at several educational institutions and Director of the StrategieCentrum Kronberg (Taunus). The lecture/workshop takes place with Anton Dostal on Sep 9, 2009 in the IHK Arnsberg education Institute. Start is at 18:30, the registration fee including refreshments and snack is only 35,-euro. The number of participants is limited. All information and online booking on the Internet pages of the StrategieCentrums South Westphalia: