Manuka honey: honey of miracles – healing nectar for the skin we afford, she pointed out, that a rare New Zealand honey type is now recognized as a powerful remedy. Researchers have found that the New Zealand Manuka honey contains a previously unknown substance, among others in the healing of wounds, leg – and help stomach ulcers. It is very good for your skin. The antibacterial effect of honey has proven itself for centuries. Today the Golden nectar is still considered effective alternative against cold symptoms and his irresistible flavour it is suitable very well as a healthy sugar substitute. Now, researchers have discovered that a special type of honey (Manuka honey) from New Zealand even to wound healing can be applied. Manuka honey comes from bees, the nectar of the Manuka Busches collect.
The plant, which is found primarily on the East coast of New Zealand’s honey gives a strong antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. This is different from ordinary the Manuka honey Types of honey. The production of honey, bees add an enzyme called glucose oxidase giving honey an antiseptic effect. Manuka honey contains in addition to the approximately 200 ingredients in addition a property of researchers through the unique Manuka factor (the unique Manuka factor) is determined. The higher the Manuka factor, the higher the antibacterial effect. This high antibacterial activity of Manukahonigs is now also applied in medicine; the New Zealand honey has proven especially in the treatment of wounds and ulcers. Researchers at the University of Waikato in New Zealand have found that Manuka honey diluted even more strongly against a pathogen of the infection (Staphylococcus aureum) has effect. Bandages, wound compresses and medical creams that contain Manuka honey, can thus prevent inflammation naturally and promote wound healing.
Especially a UMF honey may value over 20 Burns (first, second and third in open wounds, wound infections, foot and leg ulcers, Applied degree), confinement to bed, and scars. With these treatments, Manuka is applied honey with a sterilized bandage which is changed regularly. Scratches, abrasions and insect bites can already be treated with UMF 10 honey. Applied the nectar sol here two or three times a day on the affected area. Customers are careful when buying, however: not all Manuka honey contains these healing properties; traditional types of honey are not intended for application to wounds. Medihoney and Comvita are certified companies, which offer UMF strong products for skin care. The New Zealand honey shop is the official dealer of Comvita and Medihoney range and offers also tested UMF honey in various strengths.