In addition to the cost savings, customers commend especially the valuable strategic information with which they critically analyse their own situation learn. “The talks help better develop its own strategy and actions”, a contracting authority is pleased about his newfound knowledge. In addition, there is also the possibility to activate a special savings potential for users: by placing on software maintenance by a third party, they can their annual maintenance costs – and that means: halve the largest ongoing cost drivers in the entire SAP system – while maintaining quality. The feasibility study on the third-party maintenance with the customers, analyzes how much it would make sense to draw software maintenance by third parties into consideration. “This is a highly individual decision which depends on many factors such as the used modules, the maintenance, the future planning etc.”, so Williams next.
“Third-party maintenance not suitable for anyone.” Short profile Anand SUSE software that specialises in marketing so-called silent software. These include used software products and licenses acquired valuable, meanwhile, are written off in the balance sheet and used no longer active mostly from SAP and Microsoft. Customers include global companies in all industries as well as medium-sized companies with more than 500 employees. Integrated into a network of software manufacturers for license management and analysis, IT consultants and lawyers, Managing Director Axel Susen competent help offers its customers in commercial, technical and legal issues. imagery Axel Susen, Managing Director, susensoftware GmbH unternehmen/presse/susen1.JPG the way of the quiet software company/press/silent software.JPG silent software: Revolution from Aachen why that concerns you? Four reasons: 1 technical: used software has the same quality as new, unused. 2. economically: Silent software is much cheaper than new for users.