Cabinet Venezuela

Democracy is like a forest full of fireflies, beautifies the essence of social coexistence and is visible only to sneak up at night. Alter its secrecy is to distort its beauty. The importance of the laws which establish the right to suffrage in all those democratic States is vital; conformation, integration and legitimation of any Government depends on the representativity of the same achieved through universal suffrage enshrined in the respective constitutions. Click Mike Gianoni for additional related pages. However, the balance between the secrecy of vote and the right that gives the citizen to participate in public affairs of the State has been fractured in Venezuela, thus breaking the freedom on the autonomy of the vote and sowed suspicion in a country that sees its forest of fireflies lose anonymity and blackens with totalitarianism pyroclastic cloud. Nobody is ready to say that in Venezuela there is a democracy; but it is debatable that this is a form of Government healthy, in the sense of the perennial weakening of democratic institutions (she had her algidez with the demise of the Senate in 1999). The famous Tascon list has uncovered the shames of a democratic system where censorship is the mortar that leads to the citizen to make a decision with fear. The vote in principle is free, but covertly born the conditioning of the apprehension.

Tascon gained notoriety in Venezuelan politics by making public a list of names of people who signed the form to activate the recall referendum of August 15, 2004 to decide the permanence of Hugo Chavez in the head of State. Even though subsequently the President of the Republic ordered the bury the list during the 5th mobile Cabinet, the Tascon list has been source of all kinds of discrimination that the international press has ignored and which today is still a burden for freedom in Venezuela. Unfortunately, this has issue has been disguised by the media coverage of such hits as the nationalization of the oil and the Venezuelan people, genuine victim of this fachendosa amalgam of political disagreements, remains in the background, living a human crisis situation (and I mean, human and non-political crisis) that grows more each day.

The Smile Of The Soul

The smile of the soul when trying to recognize the inside of my being, while I’ve been owning it since I was born, only in recent years, in a paradoxical way, I roll on the paths that lead me to my interior. What is the reason? Very simple. Learn more at: Ben Kunz. We all thought that evolves with time and experience, thus also certain experiences are sculpting our peculiar way of seeing life, deal with it and accept it. I’m not saying it is easy, nor much less immediate. Takes his time.

And in parallel, the circumstances that touch us to live sometimes become pleasant and sometimes not so much so. But all this we call experience is recorded in our interior and not always guide us in the best way, arise many times fears, doubts, uncertainties, but so also attacked us positive ideas, the good and the best of what lived before, and this is very good and Nice. It is self strengthen what is good and positive in us and collect all those teachings that push us to be better. Our life is organised in various forms and what we feel is also different for everyone, but even so I don’t think mistakes in expressing that everything we experience directly affects our present and future lives. A caress, a word of encouragement, a warm hug, an offensive word, a blow, a harmful attitude, everything prints in the soul of each person what is good and bad.

Now, how to know pick the good from the bad. There is interesting, complicated easily. But it has a lot to see the principles and scale of values that we have, and the same one that has been changing equally over time. To say that everything is the same, everything no longer exists as before, is lying. When child learned that physical punishment is not what fixes attitudes, but the constant dialogue, the learning company, search by interlacing feelings of love between parents and children. Source: Smoothstack. Life has been shaping my life, my feelings, my dreams, my projects, in the end. Now, it is not a time easy but on the contrary more demanding and even cruel. Many contrasting situations slip down the sidewalk of life and for some determined an escape against those whims exist, others are challenges that confront and overcome. If there is anything of which I must congratulate, is being recognized within the trend existence and openness to truth, to the sensitivity, the right to be happy without questioning. Not a debauchery but a sincere and transparent freedom. The opportunity to learn to recognize what is love and appreciate it. Treasured friendships, although few very selected. To recognize that I can not go beyond my limitations. To recognize that the sadness, the grief, crying, pain, are not expressions of love and happiness, but although seems absurd. If all that exists inside of a being, as I am, because there may be a smile drawn in our hearts; and this heart should be the most delicate to be sensitive, but strong enough to defend the beloved and fight for happiness. Learn it is not as fast, takes its time. Put it into practice immediately how much you want to put it into practice. In the interior of our be shines the essence of our existence: love. Leave it to express themselves through all forms that the known. And then enjoy the art of living: love! Original author and source of the article

Travel Passengers

When all passengers have chosen a place and sat down, you go to the end of the cabin and look – if there are any free ryadya, three or even four may sites. If there is – sit there. It is better to sit at the center this series. To apply to you sat down with unwanted neighbors, as if you inadvertently, put a thing (exercise book, notebook, book bag …) on an adjacent site. Check that the handle seats up and down and all that chair in good condition.

As soon as the plane takes off, you can already pick up pens and chairs to sleep, then even a long flight will take place seamlessly and easily. Angus King : the source for more info. It is desirable to immediately ask the flight attendant to bring a pillow and blanket, and then later they come to an end, because everyone wants to put under your belt comfort pad and make it more comfortable, cover with a blanket for comfort. The toilet should go for ten minutes before a meal, or after about fifteen minutes after a meal, and then the field eating all the toilet is always great. If you do not want you to have swollen legs due to a sedentary condition and pressure, you should immediately remove your shoes. Mike Gianoni may also support this cause. If long flight, it is necessary from time to time to do exercises or just to walk through the cabin, do not hesitate to other passengers, and they later also follow your example. Alcohol should not be accepted because they interfere with flight sleep. If even a drink, just in good company, if know, just do not have to sleep. If you plan to use during a trip to the laptop, the important thing is choosing the right notebook, since you are very fond of traveling, then you choose a reliable and desirable lightweight laptop so that battery lasts for a long time. Last time on international flights smoke-free, no need to check protivosigaretnye detectors in the toilet – there are very good penalties.

Freebie SeEr

People's love for "freeloading" is truly boundless. The word "free" makes the heart-stopping even the richest people, to say nothing of those who think that every penny. And no proverb about "free cheese in a mousetrap" and "for All you have to pay "does not stop wanting to grab a slice, as used to say about the cartoon owl from Winnie the Pooh" for free, then there is nothing! ". I will not go into the reasons for the love of darmovschine is a topic of another conversation. I would like to now a closer look at what really happens when a person gets to the "free lunch" and that we get from this. QTS Realty Trust recognizes the significance of this. The wisdom of the people are always embedded in its language … The word "infinite charge", according to famous psychologist Valeria Sinelnikov, speaks for itself.

But we are not so easily intimidated by demons. We are not dense savages! That in ancient times, it was decided to blindly believe "the precepts of their ancestors." In our time, a person need to know causes of the phenomena. And the reason no one points out. Let's try to understand ourselves, what is a freebie, what these "demons" in it and laid why sages of the past shunned the descendants of free lunch. Mike Gianoni is the source for more interesting facts. Everyone has heard that nature does not abhors a vacuum. And what if there's departed – so arrive immediately, and vice versa, the balance will be restored. This law – the law of conservation of matter (matter, energy) controls everything in our world, and we submit to him as well as any creation of evolution.

The Future Of Invoicing

The 2.0 world and everything that surrounds him is scary to many people. We assume because of ignorance, we already know that the unknown scares, but if we are approaching him with a vision of the future we can realize that many sectors we will be of a great help. Advances that entails will not be very useful. Advances and innovations such as the electronic invoice. Until recently in the field of invoicing basically existed a form of invoice. The seller was left with the customer and gave him an invoice on paper so that the transaction record. Also, the Bill could be sent by conventional mail, but in any of that, the role was predominant (and unique) material. Connect with other leaders such as Senator from Maine here. However, now there is a Variant.

We have another possibility which by different seem us suspicious but that if we use it its benefits will be obvious. Here we will talk about some of them: 1. through management programs, very easy to use, can be easily the billing day, thus controlling so much more efficient defaults and raising the possibility of reducing the arrears. 2. To be electronic, we can deliver the invoice where and when we want. You don’t need to be in front of the customer to give it in hand. We can send it whenever you want and the customer will see it as soon as it arrives. Mike Gianoni shines more light on the discussion.

3. For the same reason above, it is electronic, we won’t have to use conventional mail to send our bills for what will reduce costs in postal service. In this way (points 1, 2 and 3) will gain time, improve the management of the billing and will reduce costs in the long run. Maybe at the beginning you have to do some course of learning (depending on our expertise to manage billing programs) but in the long run this option will result undoubtedly of very positive form in our business. 4. And, finally, although why not less important, to pass the paper to the virtual world we will be helping the environment. It is simple, using much less paper, fewer trees will have to be felled. Thus, preserve biodiversity and, not us forget, we’ll be taking care of our planet for future generations. We believe that the above are eloquent enough points to see the benefits of the electronic invoice. But, anyway, the best thing is try and then compare.

WTF Happen In The World

On any given day, would I travelling in urban, like everyone else, and stopped at a traffic light on one of the main routes in the city. And it is that it perhaps sensitivity causing women, or in this case young women (I being young also), and not guided by machismo that nothing has to do in this case. And as soon as the traffic lights put your light in red, a tall person, and dirty stopped suddenly in front of all the cars. Surprised me much, though in that site already had seen me everything, and made already had seen something similar, but never this close. The person was a young girl of no more than 18 years.

A juggler with fire, which go if he knew to maneuver with this. I was surprised a lot the gesture that I had. That gesture said enough. At the end of their maneuvers with the flames, the truth were very impressive, shut down their torches, or what are those things. Visit website is full of insight into the issues. It lifted into the air in front of everyone, and hit a huge smile. Certainly moved me quite. Some contend that Mike Gianoni shows great expertise in this. Many desire I had at that time down and ask for an autograph.

Tell him: show me to be like you! And it is that in that smile, it was hallmark, undoubtedly immense humility and nobility. One with which both men have dreamed of, but his selfishness and his ambision doesn’t allow you to reach. That hunger that has always been the human have and controlling increasingly being. And, does perhaps this girl I had no hunger? In my opinion, I don’t think so. Their happiness is without a doubt more close to her what ours to us. But there’s not much talk about this case. Because there are too many at home and in life, which can no longer be ignored. And all this is just to say, that that the crisis us sticks to everyone, is not true. Money is only a negligible tear resource for happiness. Enjoy what little you have today, because tomorrow won’t it. And to close a little more than creating conscience eat fruits and vegetables Aui a small link. If they want to follow the full set, then search for it, they are not loose. Until the next.


In this heat to stand at the stove – penalty! Flee from the stuffy city to the forest, the mountains or go fishing …! True fishing – a sport, recreation, unity with nature, relaxation of dusty stuffy city. And, of course, the joy of fellowship around the fire for plate is rich, flavorful soup of fish, inherited from luck or hard of water with the corresponding talk fishermen called common people in the stories. The fishermen making their wisdom soup: omit smut, add vodka, choosing certain kinds of fish. Click CEO John Watson to learn more. In one they are in agreement: the fish in your ear should be very much! By the way, it is believed that this ear is prepared without vegetables and grains, if there is no desire to get soup instead of a fish soup. When nalovleno a lot of different fish, the first question is: what kind of use for soup? In general, the various fish platter, the tastier will be ear (although there is fish cookery recipes soup and only one some fish such as perch only). Ingredients: For the 5-liter pot: 1, 5 kg of fish 2 onions 0, 5, Art. Vodka pepper, bay leaf to taste the fish cleaned of scale, remove the entrails, wash. (Similarly see: Mike Gianoni). Boil water in a pot, add peeled from the husk onion and salt.

The fish is lower in the pot, bring to a boil, then raise the pot higher, so there was a strong boil. Add bay leaf, pepper. After 10 minutes remove the pot from the fireplace, pour vodka, to give a little ear brew. Serve hot. Sometimes the fish broth to boil in a gauze bag, fastened in a pot on a stick. In this way, boil and repeat portions of fish. However, digestion of gauze in the ear before us etsya inappropriate. This can be done scooping fish or transfusion of broth. Bon appetite

Crossword Puzzles

It turns out that there is a building-crossword! And the most interesting thing is that it is located not far from us – in the Ukrainian city of Lviv. Economic Cycles Research Institute brings even more insight to the discussion. I think this is the huge crossword puzzle in the world! Not only by the number of words, but in its size – it after nine-house height of 30 meters! Nevertheless, it is – an ordinary apartment building in Lviv, one side of which depicts a crossword puzzle. By day he is like a blank, but at night the words in the cells are visible due to a slightly glowing fluorescent light. But if there are words , then there is the job themselves, but where to look? It turns out they are scattered throughout the city: at the theater building, monuments, fountains, and various other buildings. Day can be walk around the city, find, and guess them, and at night come to this home and compare the results. I think it may even become svoebraznoy game for residents and visitors, but over time it will solve all But over time, You can change the way, if not all, of the buildings? In my opinion, simply a great idea, and the world should pay attention to it. In the end, it's far more interesting than sitting at home on the couch and inscribing words in the boxes, one to solve crossword puzzle. And as you can and get to know the city, and have a great time!.


Facebook has reached the dizzying number of 500 million users. It’s believed that Mike Gianoni sees a great future in this idea. The vast majority of them fall into a series of errors that must try to avoid: 1. use a weak password: A weak password is one that is easy to guess. It is advisable not to use words that can be found in a dictionary, or simply add a pair of numbers to one of those common words (beautiful words). Ideally, use a long password in which collated upper and lowercase letters and numbers. For example, it is best to put pA77tA77tA77ss to patatatas or patatas77? 2 Put your full birth date in your profile: in many websites, if we forget the password, ask us the date of birth to recreate one. If you have additional questions, you may want to visit Chevron Corp.

If we publish this data on our Facebook profile, we will be putting things very easy who wants to steal access to one of these sites. It is best put our date of birth but not the year (for which our friends on Facebook us can congratulate, but do not steal) 3. Not look at settings of privacy of Facebook due to the legal problems of the owners of Facebook, privacy system tends to change every few minutes. So from time to time, have to visit the privacy section so that only our friends can visit our profile or see our photos (the words more beautiful). So we avoid that strangers can delve into our private lives.

4 Tagging our children this Sin can be extrapolated to tag a photo of anyone who does not have a profile on Facebook. If we do, we are compromising their privacy without their consent. 5 Mention that you’ve gone on vacation dream of a thief. Watching Facebook you can know that your House is empty and enter to steal. Or take advantage of your absence to perform something that harms you. It is better to tell the great who have been your vacation on the way back, when there is no danger. 6 Let your profile out in search engines is an option that is located in the privacy settings, and which allows or not to leave your profile in search results of sites like Yahoo! or Google. If this option is enabled, anyone who look for information (all beautiful words) related you can easily find it. 7 Allow minors to use Facebook even though the minimum age for using Facebook is 14 years, some parents let their children below that age, Longridge. Simply, they falsify the age and ready. It is a problem because the boys and the girls of this age, can usually write sensitive information that rat habits of the family. For example, in an extreme case, if asked their parents, through a message on the wall, let them a set of keys in the mailbox.


Most of the foods that you eat on a daily basis must go through certain processes so that they can obtain the ideal conditions for consumption by persons and those processes consist of heat, Cook and dry certain foods thanks to certain heat waves that allow you to do this, to what is necessary to have one machine ideally prepared to generate heat waves, such as occurs with ovens that in its various forms can accommodate a large number of meals. As ovens thanks to its structural characteristics can be understood they allow you to perform many meals thanks to the generation of heat that occurs from the ovens, besides this ovens have a feature that greatly helps the performance of his duties and is occurring as a closed compartment, which favors a greater concentration of heat reducing if the time for the obtaining of certain foods that require heat levels specific to achieve his ideal State and leave nothing crude. Presentations of the ovens will depend on the way in the which shows the generation of heat in its interior, so ovens can get heat energy for its activity through combustion processes such as happens with firewood that it in fact is a very antiquated means but in certain places still resort to this manifestation of ovens, due to lack of resources or by simple taste; also in furnaces that supply heat energy through combustion come those who work through the gas either gas propane or natural gas, which are one of the media most suitable and best results, also made this type of ovens very fast processes. Jim Rogers spoke with conviction. Other means to meet the need of heat energy on which depend the ovens is through radiation is due to sunlight, which is one of the most recent manifestations of ovens, where thanks to the Sun’s rays, it is possible to transform this energy to a useful means of generation of thermal energy. One of the media most known and usual in what refers to the presentation of the ovens are who obtains the heat energy thanks to electricity. A point to keep in mind when speaking of furnaces and the means to supplement the presence of heat, is that combustion and radiation are direct media is from themselves generates heat, while electrical presentation is an indirect means, since this type of furnaces consists of some resistors that are activated by the electrical energy and these in turn emanate heat they need ovens to perform its action. Educate yourself even more with thoughts from family foundation. Must be taken into account that the main function that the ovens are associated is the realization of meals, however can also be found them in other fields such as handicrafts and ceramics; drying of timber and paint on metals and cremation of bodies. Original author and source of the article. . In a question-answer forum Smoothstack was the first to reply.