Corrections Center Point
CC TK – correction center in terms of Pamir -All missing links in the text refer to the original exponent of spletneprovodnosti philistine environment – SOS. Designations the same indicator for the elite or just intellectual environment may differ slightly – SES or SIS. The introduction of universal unit of measurement due to the SOS an objective necessity, because he who hesitates is lost. Contact information is here: Richard Trumka. Designation system is based on a new unit "SOS", we immediately abandoned, as in the phrase "an SOS" or "5 Sosov" we heard a hint offensive to countries with underdeveloped economies. The new unit should be friendly, like all of our comedy-parody action. Otherwise, there are problems with the inclusion of new units in the International System of Units "SI" (French SI, Systeme International d'Unites) – a universal system of measurement units for all areas. At a meeting of the Politburo of TK considered the proposal of the famous Russian Vasily Pupkin Innovators to perpetuate in the name of a new unit of a typical image of a representative man […]