Corrections Center Point

CC TK – correction center in terms of Pamir -All missing links in the text refer to the original exponent of spletneprovodnosti philistine environment – SOS. Designations the same indicator for the elite or just intellectual environment may differ slightly – SES or SIS. The introduction of universal unit of measurement due to the SOS an objective necessity, because he who hesitates is lost. Contact information is here: Richard Trumka. Designation system is based on a new unit "SOS", we immediately abandoned, as in the phrase "an SOS" or "5 Sosov" we heard a hint offensive to countries with underdeveloped economies. The new unit should be friendly, like all of our comedy-parody action. Otherwise, there are problems with the inclusion of new units in the International System of Units "SI" (French SI, Systeme International d'Unites) – a universal system of measurement units for all areas. At a meeting of the Politburo of TK considered the proposal of the famous Russian Vasily Pupkin Innovators to perpetuate in the name of a new unit of a typical image of a representative man in the street environment, as a guarantor of stability. But this proposal was removed, because Doe has admitted in an informal atmosphere, close to the source of inspiration, that the option "three United Russia", he pronounces himself only with the third attempt, and that not always and not everywhere. Because failed to immortalize image of a typical representative of the environment in which to create and roll in the desired direction of the popular wave of indignation, we decided to immortalize the mirror opposite, and quite unusual way of those who drove this wave bluffing on a grand scale, not to be late to start a philistine environment well-cooked duck.