Internet Colloquy

12 ‘ ‘ Still he had many things to write that you; it did not want to make it with paper and ink, therefore I wait to go to have with you, and we will talk of alive voice, so that our joy is completa’ ‘. Start of namoro is very characteristic cartinhas, the long colloquies, hours of telephone, the romances most current, still counts on Internet, messages for the cellular one. However, passing of the time, it seems that we lose these habits, we are more objective and when it has some colloquy if not to take care of finishes in confusion. However, the communication is a resource very important it human being! the tool more effective for the communication is the colloquy, already it says the dictated one: ‘ ‘ talking people if entende’ ‘. Three types of colloquy exist: 1.Conversa with the Other; 2.Conversa with God; 3.Conversa with I; We go to dive in this dialogue of colloquies and, to discover if we are not needing to talk more. TALKING WITH the OTHER the colloquy it happens […]

Spirit Fusing

Life After Death According to Esprita theory, after death of – the origin to one the other originated life of the Spirit that if disconnect of the previous substance. For me this subject demand a imensurada complexity. I open this discurso on the basis of logical and scientific reasoning. If the oringina man if biological speaking of a fusing, where the elements that compose this fonmeno (fecundao), are initiated from two organisms being: it both with proper life smem masculine and vulo feminine, that will go to form genetic characters of the resultant parts, and that, through the natural process of the life, it will only go to initiate from this fusing, the bilogical development without it depends on factors or phenomena external. It would like to leave open for exposition and consideration of that they demonstrate interest for the subject, leading in account that, inside of the logical reasoning meeting does not arrive in port that it can send the influence of one third element for formation: physicist, intellectual and spiritual. Thus I leave open this, to all commentaries […]