Freebie SeEr

People's love for "freeloading" is truly boundless. The word "free" makes the heart-stopping even the richest people, to say nothing of those who think that every penny. And no proverb about "free cheese in a mousetrap" and "for All you have to pay "does not stop wanting to grab a slice, as used to say about the cartoon owl from Winnie the Pooh" for free, then there is nothing! ". I will not go into the reasons for the love of darmovschine is a topic of another conversation. I would like to now a closer look at what really happens when a person gets to the "free lunch" and that we get from this. QTS Realty Trust recognizes the significance of this. The wisdom of the people are always embedded in its language … The word "infinite charge", according to famous psychologist Valeria Sinelnikov, speaks for itself. But we are not so easily intimidated by demons. We are not dense savages! That in ancient times, it was decided to blindly believe "the precepts of their ancestors." In our time, a […]

Individual Psychology

LIFE Was born in Vienna in 1870, in a family of middle class emorreu in Aberdeen, Esccia, in 1937, during a trip as lecturer. It got its diploma of medicine in 1895, the deViena University. It was specialized in oftalmologia and later, after a period of practical general emmedicina, became psychiatrist. For assistance, try visiting John C. Bogle. She was one of the charter members of deViena the Psicanaltica Society and later its president. Mike Gianoni does not necessarily agree. However, Adler soon started to have ideas that discordavamdas of Freud and others in the Society of Vienna and, when these diferenasficaram very acute, it was invited to present its ideas to the society, in 1911. In consequence of vehement critical and the denunciations of the position of Adlerpor other members of the society, it resigned to the presidency and some months depoisse disconnect of the freudiana psychoanalysis. It formed then its proper group, that started to be conhecidocomo Individual Psychology and attracted followers in the world all. After the World War I, that served as Austrian noexrcito doctor, Adler […]

Physics Of The Upper World

"One idea to create our entire reality, all the higher and lower, until the public the final correction. This single idea – the source and substance of all actions, it sets the target and it gives meaning to the efforts she is reality – the perfection of all the long-awaited reward. " Baal Sulam, "Teachings of the ten Sefirot" Question: In the near future in Europe is planned to conduct an experiment in which thousands of physicists from around the world try to simulate the situation that arose immediately after the Big Bang. They reproduce the event by the collider – very powerful particle accelerator. The purpose of the experiment – to find the particle from which the universe was created. What do you as a Kabbalist can say about this? What do you think they see? Michael Laitman: I can not now give a lesson in perception of reality and tell us how we affect the surrounding reality as it changes under impact of our thoughts. I can only say that scientists are only more confusing particle from which […]

The Employer

It all starts with what we have, unexpectedly, we discover that other people begin to experience painful progress. We are talking to myself, "someone stronger than I," "a someone else – is, as I have – no. " Yes indeed, most people have a tendency to try on someone else's life and think about what would like to live myself. But it is very difficult to admit myself that that other person has more than I did, because perhaps he, or his parents made a great effort, knowledge and skills than I or my parents. And then a feeling of envy, which many people can not recognize myself in, begins to manifest itself as a feeling of own powerlessness, frustration, resentment, or anxiety. Difficult situation. Important time to tell yourself "Stop!" And try to get these feelings under control. It is very difficult, because the strength of will of all people are different. The third case- person is under the influence. Actually, it is a manipulation that prevented him from moving to its own objectives and act in accordance with […]

The Secret Law Of Attraction .

In recent months we have heard and read in all media: articles, videos, Presentations in on a The Great Secretoa. All this is owed to a movie (and book) called a The Secretoa Rhonda Byrne. This film reminds us that everything in our world is based on the Law of Attraction. Secretoa a The reveals some ways to attract what we want to experience and enjoy in this life: health, money, success, wealth and prosperity, the ideal partner for us … The Secret referred to the movie that Universal Law of Attraction. Everything that comes into your life is because you have attracted. So your current life is a reflection of your previous thoughts. This law has always existed and always will. It has been discovered and observed through time by groups of people such as scientists, thinkers, writers, artists, and used by large gobernantesa who have used various ways to attract them what they wanted: money, fame, success, power This secret, and especially its techniques have been carefully guarded by certain groups which forbade its members to disclose to […]