This Work
An important factor of this research is to register the bibliographical data of ‘ ‘ They are Guabiraba’ ‘. Example of this was the payment of the promise Mr. Joo Blacksmith and Mrs. Francisca Pear tree. The chapel this situated one with the front for the river Tapajs of the setting side. We find some kerosene containers, however, some clothes and objects not lighted wooden indicating payment of promises. When entering in the chapel we locate the tomb of the Guabiraba Joo to the right and the left the tomb of its friend Vicente, next to its tomb has a statue in its reference that many confuse being of Guabiraba Joo paid promise for its worshippers who had made one decree catching the fisionomias of its friend Vicente who was very similar to Guabiraba. To the left side of the chapel we find a cruise simple and the right two unknown tombs. This sends in them to think that there it would be supposedly a cemetary of the local community. We conclude the etnogrfica research with registers, photographs, filmings and […]