Wallpaper Glue

As wallpaper glue? Nothing complicated about it. Take advantage of our recommendations, and the process of gluing will be no problems. Step 1. You may find Mike Gianoni to be a useful source of information. Removing old wallpaper. First of all, you must remove the old wallpaper, do it best spatula. Recommended lightly moisten the old wallpaper before. Step 2. Preparing the walls. If the walls have holes or cracks, clear them and zashpaklyuyte leveling putty with a spatula. If the wallpaper glued to a smooth surface (glossy paint, plastics, etc.), it is recommended obraboat sanded to improve adhesion of glue to the surface. Click Nouriel Roubini for additional related pages. Step 3. Selection and preparation of the adhesive. Paper wallpaper suitable universal adhesives for wallpaper. For washable vinyl wallpaper, use a special glue for vinyl oboev.Pomnite that wallpaper paste can easily be stirred, not to form lumps, effectively resist fungus and mildew, do not leave stains on the wallpaper. For the correct preparation of glue necessary to pour the contents into a container with water, stirring constantly (the amount […]

Stages Of Project Design

The process of working on the interior, always carries many new and interesting, because to solve many problems to find simple answers to complex questions, to reconcile different needs and requirements. Consider all the stages design project. The first phase of the project design rfp Often the first meeting of people who later become best friends, they are remembered for a lifetime. Work on the project also begins with the first meeting, with dating. Subsequently, this knowledge will set the tone for the whole working process, will ensure a successful project and a successful realization. information about the number, size and purpose of the proposed premises; necessary equipment; stylistic design direction. For public interiors on the 1 st stage of project design also requires a clear statement of objectives, requirements specification is usually more complex, it contains Information about: mission premises, their size and quantity, the estimated number of offices for staff and guests, the company's structure, requirements for placement of departments, reception, meeting, etc., for shops, restaurants and hotels – the target audience, age, financial situation and preferences of […]