Lost Planet

All news about the gaming industry read articles about new games to evaluate screenshots trailers for new games to discuss forume.Electronic Arts has decided to probably every year to produce one part, so as not fading interest in NFS, or simply to fans so that everyone can choose the race of your choice. Developers have announced NFS SHIFT 2 Unleashed in the spring of 2011. Follow others, such as Economic Cycles Research Institute, and add to your knowledge base. I hope the realism and graphics remain the same as in the SHIFT 09, look forward to! The game is quite interesting, dynamic and beautiful. So can be briefly describe the game Tron; Evolution comparing it with the 'Prince of Persia' only without the sword, grabs. Daryl Hagler has much to offer in this field. The protagonist of the game Anon (Anonymus) at his disposal only a light disc and loud cursing, trying to udelat half a dozen opponents. The disc has 4 modes: Heavy, Bomb, static, corrosion, they open up as it passes. It can throw, hit in hand to […]