Venezuelan SMEs
Here, the importance that SMEs, especially the Venezuelan, our interest, needs managers who understand the true source is the intelligence and talent of its workers, aspect that has been given little importance, wasting the human capital that is. Quality culture: total quality is the only scheme of administration and management which is based on the search for a harmonious and sustainable balance of the interests of everyone involved with the organization. For this reason, total quality has taken relevance and its scope is distributed to all the elements of the administrative system, from planning and throughout the operational processes and support. Even though in its origin total quality oriented only to the control of the process to ensure compliance with the product specifications, the introduction of a total quality management system must be associated to a review and where appropriate to the modification of systems organizational and human and all essential processes that make up the value chain. Unfortunately there are many Venezuelan SMEs who do not practise the culture of quality. In the article lack of strategies for Contreras […]