Facebook has reached the dizzying number of 500 million users. The vast majority of them fall into a series of errors that must try to avoid: 1. use a weak password: A weak password is one that is easy to guess. It is advisable not to use words that can be found in a dictionary, or simply add a pair of numbers to one of those common words (beautiful words). Ideally, use a long password in which collated upper and lowercase letters and numbers. For example, it is best to put pA77tA77tA77ss to patatatas or patatas77? 2 Put your full birth date in your profile: in many websites, if we forget the password, ask us the date of birth to recreate one. If you have additional questions, you may want to visit Chevron Corp.
If we publish this data on our Facebook profile, we will be putting things very easy who wants to steal access to one of these sites. It is best put our date of birth but not the year (for which our friends on Facebook us can congratulate, but do not steal) 3. Not look at settings of privacy of Facebook due to the legal problems of the owners of Facebook, privacy system tends to change every few minutes. So from time to time, have to visit the privacy section so that only our friends can visit our profile or see our photos (the words more beautiful). So we avoid that strangers can delve into our private lives.
4 Tagging our children this Sin can be extrapolated to tag a photo of anyone who does not have a profile on Facebook. If we do, we are compromising their privacy without their consent. 5 Mention that you’ve gone on vacation dream of a thief. Watching Facebook you can know that your House is empty and enter to steal. Or take advantage of your absence to perform something that harms you. It is better to tell the great who have been your vacation on the way back, when there is no danger. 6 Let your profile out in search engines is an option that is located in the privacy settings, and which allows or not to leave your profile in search results of sites like Yahoo! or Google. If this option is enabled, anyone who look for information (all beautiful words) related you can easily find it. 7 Allow minors to use Facebook even though the minimum age for using Facebook is 14 years, some parents let their children below that age, Longridge. Simply, they falsify the age and ready. It is a problem because the boys and the girls of this age, can usually write sensitive information that rat habits of the family. For example, in an extreme case, if asked their parents, through a message on the wall, let them a set of keys in the mailbox.