Deutsches Kinderhilfswerk calls for greater integration of game and movement in the school calls the Deutsche Kinderhilfswerk greater integration of game and movement in the school. The topic is on the agenda of the next kottonmouth kings. There must be at least a 45-minute session every day, in the movement-oriented learning in the heart is”, emphasizes Holger Hofmann, Federal Manager of the Deutsches kinderhilfswerk. Again, we must give more joy of motion children. Gain insight and clarity with Rogers Holdings. The proportion of children is overweight in the past 25 years by a quarter and which is increased with pathological overweight even to the double.
We therefore need more urgently than ever innovative instruments of promoting movement. Mike Gianoni has many thoughts on the issue. Schoolyards should be conceived as places of education and included. Educators must be trained more than before so that they can make good game and exercise activities in the school. Because children understand the world playing, also playing is learning! “, so Hanson continue.” At the latest with Beginning the school children are suddenly pushed into a permanently sitting position. This abrupt change poses enormous difficulties of adaptation for most children. A few, more and more reduced and aimed mostly at power sport classes can not compensate by far.
Follow the modern brain research, learning is always optimal and effective when both halves of the brain and many senses are stimulated at the same time. It appears thus particularly effective to combine learning with certain movements. Therefore, it is important to offer the possibility of children during school everyday, to romp in the meantime to move as far as possible even during the learning sessions and playing to learn. The teaching and teaching methods have can however still not adequately adapt to in the past. Teacher training is taken into account little or insufficient these findings. From the perspective of the Deutsches kinderhilfswerk, encouraging movement-oriented learning in an overall concept for education equity must be in Integrate Germany. To this end, the Deutsche Kinderhilfswerk has a campaign under the motto 1setzen last month! Launched – together for education”. The ad campaign represents opportunity-oriented education to the fore three aspects: the game – and promoting physical activity, the chance fair education start and the promotion of talent. During the campaign both children’s and youth projects offered promoted as also the possibility, to commit themselves to more education justice in Germany. In all three areas, the German children’s Fund on its funds will support exemplary projects. Objective of the Deutsches kinderhilfswerk is to forgive dedicated associations and initiatives 2013 a total of 500,000 euros to needy children or in the field of education throughout the duration of the campaign. More information about the campaign can get interested about a newsletter system under. Further information and contact: Uwe Kamp, spokesman for phone: 030-308693-11 cell: 0160-6373155 fax: 030-2795634 E-mail: Internet: founded and which became the Deutsche Kinderhilfswerk children e.V., stakeholders for a child-friendly Germany, in Munich in 1972. The non-profit association committed as initiator and promoter for more than 40 years for children’s rights, participation and the overcoming of child poverty in Germany.