The Protection Of The Caldwell Assyrians In The Iraq And The Current Change
How to guarantee the protection of the Caldwell Assyrians in the Iraq? We hear again and again about terrorist attacks and attacks on chaldo Assyrian people, Christian institutions, as well as abductions of persons in charge of women and girls. This touches us and be based us awhile, but we only react and attack more than to protest actions, but not to tactical and strategic steps! Certainly not common steps. Details can be found by clicking Joseph Jimenez or emailing the administrator. How to guarantee the protection of the Caldwell Assyrians in the Iraq? Certainly can in a civil war and terrorism State land no absolute protection be guaranteed, but the lack of a safe Habitat for this indigenous people of Iraq, encouraged terrorists to more violent against them to proceed. Widespread discussions and campaigns for the protection of national minorities in the Iraq and the establishment of an autonomy or a federal zone in the Iraq can determine that the majority of this people this agrees, that also a lot more people involved now and also for dedicated to […]