Why do you write? Writing is like a compulsion. I need to write what moves me. I write things that I want to say, move or even inspire me. What are you writing? I’ve written an autobiography. It is a part of my life I want none.
It is an exciting haunting story of the wife about spying and detention. It is now published. GDR a heavier way. In the Gabriele Schafer Publisher ISBN; Change the Web literature 978 3-933337-45-0? Of course. Earlier, had you contacted a Publisher, waited weeks.
Now you can be on the Internet by email, requests. You can better his offer and market. Much is sought only in the Internet and also read. Web pages as well as E-books how go you to as a writer with the Web (opportunities risks)? If it has to do with the Internet, it can be already scary. There are suddenly so many who write. So many who want to find also a Publisher or advertising do for their own work. I’m no different. But with help from Friends and providers learn acquaintances and also the help Web pages to use this instrument to his advantage. You can switch for free press releases, Web pages make offers. You can put a home page. You have the opportunity to present advertising for himself and his work. The risk is also, many do the same. You must find a way to get out. What is known today as author / famous (tips and tricks)? There are not so many famous authors. It is because you have brought many works out. Either one commits a wrong or doing really good. Both are difficult. One however, is important. You should be convinced of his work. Do a lot of advertising, and you should be ready to people to go. What is your strategy to find a Publisher? Find a suitable Publisher, I found it quite difficult.